Few Pointers Please

Ive been at the gym for maybe 6 months but really for the first 4 and a half i was one of the clueless ones. Now i had some friends and read a hell of a lot of articles and put some part here and there together. Im currently 18yrs old and my supplement intakes are:

-Cytogainer: 2-shakes a day (before workout and immediatly after and before bed)

-Multivitamine Tablets: 2 caps morning and night

-Creatine(Horsepower): 1 scoop before work out and one immediatly after

-Glutamine: Currently on my way to buy some

-Testo Booster: HMmm should i?

My eating is something i might wanna work one some more but im a carnivor and eat chicken or any meat atleast 2x a day lunch and super. I have a very fast metabolism system which im not complainin about and im 6"0 and weight 151.

Now what im aiming for is about 160-165ish cut and maintain my mass lvl around there. Wanted to know since my hormone and testosterone lvl is so high still at a young age would make a difference if i started testo boosters or that might just fuck me up.

Now what im aiming for is about 160-165ish cut and maintain my mass lvl around there but was wondering if i stop testo boosters and creatine and just stick with protein low carbs and glutamine will that do the work and as im a skinny bastard after a while if i take a year off the gym would i lose everythin ive gained or my body would adapt to a certain size.
Thanks :wink:

I can see where this thread is going, especially after seeing you list a bunch of supps you are taking and no real reference to diet/training.

Any amount of reading on this site would indicate that you need to put what you are eating BEFORE supplements. Go look up the word supplement in the dictionary…

what is your diet like? 2 portions of meat is nowhere near adequate for your protein intake…and i get the feeling you are only eating 3 standard meals a day too. You need to give a lot more info.

Thats before you even get shot down by others for having a such a skinny goal…

UM the size of 6" 165 lose it god I hope not!!! but yes if you stop lifting and eating youll lose it.

Id drop the “testo booster” for now and learn how to eat and train. The creatine is fine main thing get that diet nailed you got to eat to gain and get a good consistent program going and work your butt off


[quote]skate196 wrote:
Ive been at the gym for maybe 6 months but really for the first 4 and a half i was one of the clueless ones. Now i had some friends and read a hell of a lot of articles and put some part here and there together. Im currently 18yrs old and my supplement intakes are:

-Cytogainer: 2-shakes a day (before workout and immediatly after and before bed)

-Multivitamine Tablets: 2 caps morning and night

-Creatine(Horsepower): 1 scoop before work out and one immediatly after

-Glutamine: Currently on my way to buy some

-Testo Booster: HMmm should i?

My eating is something i might wanna work one some more but im a carnivor and eat chicken or any meat atleast 2x a day lunch and super. I have a very fast metabolism system which im not complainin about and im 6"0 and weight 151.

Now what im aiming for is about 160-165ish cut and maintain my mass lvl around there. Wanted to know since my hormone and testosterone lvl is so high still at a young age would make a difference if i started testo boosters or that might just fuck me up.

Now what im aiming for is about 160-165ish cut and maintain my mass lvl around there but was wondering if i stop testo boosters and creatine and just stick with protein low carbs and glutamine will that do the work and as im a skinny bastard after a while if i take a year off the gym would i lose everythin ive gained or my body would adapt to a certain size.
Thanks ;)[/quote]

What’s your training like?

Supplements or substitutes?

Sorry I wasnt Precised with my first post.


Monday: Chest - Flat Dumbell press
- INcline Dumbell press
-Cable Flys for lower chest
-INcline Dumbell Flys
-Seated Butter Flys

Tuesday: Off

Wendsday: Shoulder & Abs: -Military press
-Roll Up
- Lateral Raise
- Front Raise
-Seated Rear Lateral raise

Thursday: Back& Triceps:
-Seated Rows
- one hand rows
-Bent over rows
-Hyper extension
- French Curls
- Kick back
- Push Downs
- Dips

Friday: Off

Saturday: Arms & Abs & Legs: - ONe hand preach curls
- Barbell curls
-Incline curls
-Hammer Curls
-Legs Extension
-Leg Press
-Leg Curls

Sunday: Off

As for My Eating i can try and give a bried info.

Morning: Oat meal and 2 scambbled eggs

Before WOrk out: Shake with Egg whites

After Work out: Shake with Tuna sandwich

Lunch: White chicken with rice and chick peas

Snack: Ceasar Salad with small portion of chicken

Supper: Either Steak, chicken or fish with wtv veges my mom makes

Evening: Cottage Cheese

2 major exercise im probably missing is squats and deadlift I know it might not be the best but this is why i am here to learn more and adjust what im currently doing. Thanks

Eat more. Hell, I’d eat double that or more, and a lot more carbs. Right now, you’re eating real light as though you’re in a cut, but you want to gain ten lbs. I’d cut out all the suppliments (multivitamin and fish oils ok) and eat like a beast until you start seeing some results. This way you can get your diet in order before suppliments.

Also, squat and deadlift man, great lifts for size.

Finally, set a better goal. You’re 6’ you think gaining 10lbs is going to be that noticeable? Set a good long term goal like 180 or 200, get there and keep going.