Hey guys just wondering what everyone’s favourite exercises are for each bodypart. Here are some of my favs.
Traps = DB Shrugs
Shoulders = DB Military Press
Chest = Incline DB Press
Back = Deadlifts / T-Bar Row
Biceps = Reverse Grip EZ Bar Curl
Triceps = EZ Bar Skull Crushers
Abs = Medicine Ball Slams (Logsplitters)
Legs = Front Squat / Romanian DL
Calves = Calf Raise on Leg Press Machine.
Traps = Power cleans
Shoulders = Military presses (front) rows (rear)
Chest = Dips
Back = Deadlifts
Biceps = Chins
Triceps = Dips
Abs = Deadlifts
Legs = Was back squats but since my two knee surgeries I focus on single leg work so for now it’s bulgarian split squats with DB’s
Calves = rarely train them but one leg standaing calf raises have proven to be useful
[quote]Cog wrote:
Hey guys just wondering what everyone’s favourite exercises are for each bodypart. Here are some of my favs.
Traps = DB Shrugs
Shoulders = DB Military Press
Chest = Incline DB Press
Back = Deadlifts / T-Bar Row
Biceps = Reverse Grip EZ Bar Curl
Triceps = EZ Bar Skull Crushers
Abs = Medicine Ball Slams (Logsplitters)
Legs = Front Squat / Romanian DL
Calves = Calf Raise on Leg Press Machine.
Traps = BB Shrugs
Shoulders = Front Smith Press (I have a bad shoulder so i’m pretty limited here)
Chest = Definitely DB flat press; second fav is inc. smith
Back = rack pulls
Biceps = EZ bar curls
Forearms = Rev. grip BB curls
Tris = Dips
Legs = Leg Press
Hams = RDL (never really feels like i’m hitting the hams during the exercise, but give it 8 hours and bam, DOMS)
Calves = Standing calf raise (I can’t use the leg press or hack squat machine (same thing at my gym) to do calves because of the way the machine is set up)
Traps - Power Shrugs
Shoulders - Cable Lateral Raise starting with arms in an X at beginning of each rep (medial head)
Chest - HS Incline
Back Width - Rack Chin
Back Thickness - HS Row
Bicep - DB Concentration Curl
Tricep - PJR Pullover
Forearm - Pinwheel Curl
Quads - Hack Squat machine
Hamstrings - Romanian Deadlift (though it hits my glutes more) most effective for feeling it has been Leg Curls
[quote]PHGN wrote:
Traps = Power cleans
Shoulders = Military presses (front) rows (rear)
Chest = Dips
Back = Deadlifts
Biceps = Chins
Triceps = Dips
Abs = Deadlifts
Legs = Was back squats
Calves = one leg standaing calf raises[/quote]
agreed, except i’d say close grip bench for triceps since i already do dips for the major pec muscle, also i’d do it at an incline to get a secondary effect on the minor pec which misses out on all the other lifts. and donkey calf raises for that extra stretch for calves
Traps = Deadlifts, pulldowns behind neck
Shoulders = DB shoulder Press
Chest = Machine pec-deck
Back = pulldowns, chinups, deadlifts, db rows
Biceps = chinups, standing alternating db curls
Triceps = standing cable pushdown, fist pushups, neutral grip bench press
Abs = incline weighted situp (barbell behind), decline leg raises (head at top), flutter kicks (weighted)
Legs = back bb squats, leg extensions
Hams = laying down leg curls
Calves = jumping jacks (lol yes i know but i get a great pump from them and do a few hundred each day at a BW of 220)