Starting a new log for a new year with a new me.
1.2.25 weight: 191.6
A. Standing DB Military Press 3x10
B. DB Shrugs 3x10
C. Face Pulls 3x12
D. Inc Tate Press 3x10
E. Captain’s Chair Knee Raises 3x12
1.2.25 weight: 191.6
A. Standing DB Military Press 3x10
B. DB Shrugs 3x10
C. Face Pulls 3x12
D. Inc Tate Press 3x10
E. Captain’s Chair Knee Raises 3x12
Just saying…
Year to year, you’ve made an amazing difference. Really good work man.
1.3.25 weight: 193.6
A. Bulgarian Split Squat 3x10
B. Reverse Lunges 3x8
C. Standing Calf Raises 3x12
D. EZ Bar Cable Curl 3x10
E. Kneeling Cable Crunch 3x10
Not sure why I gained 2 lbs, but not sweating it. Next week all my company is out of the house and I will get back to eating better. It’s been a couple of weeks of crap.
1.6.25 weight: 192
A. Hammer Strength High Row 10/10/8/12
B. Seated Row 3x10
C. Straight Arm Pulldown 12/16
D. Overhead Rope Extension 12/10/10/10
E. Kneeling Cable Crunch 3x10
1.7.25 weight: 190.6
A. Hammer Strength Decline Press 10/10/10/12
B. Machine Flies 3x10
C. Machine Chest Press 1x20
D. Incline DB Curls 10/10/10/13
E. Palloff Press 3x10
1.9.25 weight: 192.2
A. Military Press 3x8, 15
B. DB Lateral Raise 3x10
C. Facepull 3x12
D. Rope Pushdowns 3x10, 12
E. Kneeling Cable Crunch 3x10
Have some kind of upper respiratory thing going on. Every cough comes with a prize the last couple of days.
1.10.25 weight: 194.2
A. Bulgarian Split Squat 3x10
B. Reverse Lunges 3x8
C. Standing Calf Raises 3x10
D. Rope Cable Hammer Curl 3x8
Worked from home yesterday and stuffed my face every couple of hours. Still coughing up crud this morning and kind of worn down. I need the weekend.
1.13.25 weigh:?
A. Reverse Incline DB Row 4x8
B. Standing Alternating DB Curl 3x10
C. Swiss Ball Crunches 3x20
In a hotel until Wednesday evening. Only has some DBs, an adjustable bench, a Swiss ball, and some cardio stuff. I was gonna walk for a bit, but my left hip flexor is KILLING me. I could barely sleep last night. I have no idea what I did to piss it off, but it is definitely angry at me.
The walking might actually help it. Though I realize that if not, you’re screwed.
1.16.25 weight: 194.4
A. Hammer Strength Incline Press 10/8/8/8
B. Cable Crossovers 4x10
C. ?? 3x10
D. Overhead Rope Extensions 3x10
E. Kneeling Cable Crunches 3x10
Leg is feeling much better. Slept through the night last night. Not sure what Exercise C is called. You hold the dumbbells at your side-palms up-and then raise them up and into the middle of your chest. It hits my upper chest really well. Gained 1.4 lbs in 4 days of travel. Not terrible, but not great. Back on keto next week. It’s been a while.