Doogie 2025 Slow and steady

It’s just water. You don’t gain weight that fast.

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1.31.25 weight: 193.8
A. Squat 8/8/8/16
B. DB Romanian DL 3x8
C. Standing Calf Raises 12/10/10
D. Rope Pushdowns 3x12
E. Palloff Press 3x10

My gym didn’t really get a lot more crowded after New Year until this week. Much more eye candy lately. Today while I was squatting there was a gorgeous, tiny Asian woman doing hip thrusts in front of me. Wonderful and very motivating. Then she finishes and just completely gives fuck all about putting the weights away. Big plates on little plates. Little plates on big plates. Amazing how ugly that can make someone look.


2.3.25 weight: 196
A. Military Press 8/8/10/15
B. DB Lateral Raises 3x10
C. Face Pulls 3x12
D. Rope Cable Hammer Curls 3x8
E. Kneeling Cable Crunch 3x10


2.4.25 weight: 194.8
A. Hammer Strength High Row 3x10
B. Seated Row 3x10
C. Straight Arm Pulldown 2x15
D. Reverse Grip One Arm Pushdown 3x12
E. Palloff Press 3x10


Happy cake day!

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I’m not sure what that means.

The anniversary of joining TN.

Edit: oooooh, more than 20 years ago!

Oh! I found the site in September of 1999. Been around a long while.


2.6.25 weight: 194
A. Hammer Strength Incline Press 8/8/10
B. Machine Flies 3x10
C. Incline DB Curl 3x10
D. Kneeling Cable Crunches 3x12

Have decided I’m going to start doing all of the big muscle groups twice a week instead of once as of next week. Chest/Back/Bis then Legs/Shoulders/Tris each twice a week. I’m gonna have to start getting up a little earlier (around 4:25) and I won’t be able to snooze at all, even if I’m having a really good dream (that’s why I usually snooze). I do think I need a little bit more volume though to force some growth. Been doing basically the same thing for a long time now.


If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it?

– OR –

Change is good?

Either way, you win. Keep up the good work!

Hahhahahaha Muscle Media 2000

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2.7.25 weight: 193.6
A. Squat 3x8
B. DB Romanian DL 3x8
C. Standing Calf Raises 3x10
D. Lying DB Extensions 3x10
E. Palloff Press 3x10

Started adding creatine to my BCAA drink today.


When does your wife get out, doogie?

No exact date yet. The Bureau of Prisons is not exactly the best run government department. SHOULD be end of this year or January of next. But the BOP holds people longer than they should according to the First Step Act and Second Chance Act. The new Director of the Justice Department says getting them in line is a top priority, but who knows?

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Oy, still a long time. I’m sorry.

I mean, which dept is well run? Other than the vacuum money out of citizens department.

I have to write a letter to the IRS in Kansas City, notifying them of a business name change. A LETTER. Wtf? Why is this not easily done online in one minute? Is Big Stamp running this show?

It took 16 weeks to get my passport renewal after I mailed (again with the jackbooted thugs at the post office) everything they needed, including the old passport.

I swear I could probably have a pair of custom shoes hand cobbled and delivered in 2 weeks. The government, man. SAD.


2.10.25 weight: 194.2

A. Hammer Strength Incline Press 3x8
B. Seated Row 3x10
C. Machine Flies 3x10
D. Straight Arm Pulldown 2x15
E. Cable Rope Hammer Curls 4x8
F. Standing EZ Bar Curl 2x10
G. Cable Crunches 3x10


2.11.25 weight: 194
A. Squat 8/8/15/15
B. Military Press 10/8/8
C. Bulgarian Split Squat 3x10
D. Face Pulls 2x12
E. Overhead Rope Extensions 3x10
F. Reverse Grip One Arm Pushdowns 2x10
G. Palloff Press 3x10
Wasn’t feeling the squats at all, so backed off before I threw out my old-man back. I’ll still probably lock up later on today sitting at work.


2.13.25 weight: 194.2
A.Hammer Strength Decline 8/8/10
B. Pulldowns 3x8
C. Cable Crossovers 3x12
D. Straight Arm Pulldown 2x15
E. Incline DB Curl 3x10
F. One Arm Cable Curl with the weight behind me and arm kind of stretched back 2x12
G. Kneeling Cable Crunches 3x10


2.14.25 weight: 193.8
A. DB Romanian DL 3x8
B. DB Lateral Raise 10/10/15
C. Standing Calf Raise 3x10
D. DB Shrugs 3x10
E. Inc Tate Press 3x10
F. Machine Tri Extensions 3x10
G. Swiss Ball Crunch 1xF