doing that twice a week ?
[quote]rymo wrote:
doing that twice a week ?[/quote]
This is too vague a question. You could be thinking of something totally whacky and you want someone to endorse it?
Many good programs put exercises which work back and chest muscles in the same session.
Perhaps post what you’re thinking and we’ll give some feedback.
How about you try one of the programs you asked about in this thread until you understand slightly more about training?
For what it’s worth, I almost always do some kind of rows after any pressing, and all I do is competition bench, DB incline press and dips at the moment.
like 5x5 bench press then 3x8 db bench press then 3x8 incline bench dumbell then my cable flyes…then move to back etc
I really don’t think it matters.
Personally, I’ll usually bench and then do some assistance work. That could be alternating DB incline and rows, could be dips, GHR, anything. I just make sure to include some kind of row whenever I bench except maybe once or twice. Plus, I ALWAYS do at least one set of pull aparts.
[quote]dagill2 wrote:
How about you try one of the programs you asked about in this thread until you understand slightly more about training?
You decided in the other thread to follow 531 on the bodybuilding template, now you’re already asking about doing something different.
PICK SOMETHING AND DO IT. that is the best advice I can give. You are looking for the right information, which is great. Now pick one, and stick with it for several months to see what happens before doing any tweaks.
If you want to do 531, then get the ebook and read it start to finish. Stop reading anything else training related for the time being. Then read it again. Then start figuring your numbers and planning your week USING THAT TEMPLATE. Stop reading anything else for right now, because you seem to be going into information overload.
Wendler is one of the top strength coaches (and a pretty accomplished athlete in his own right), you won’t go wrong following his methods. I followed 531 for a couple years before switching my programs around, and I still go back to it periodically. It’s that good.
There’s nothing wrong with researching, but if you start hopping program to program every few weeks, you won’t make any progress. Like I said, pick something, plan it, implement it, and stick with it for several months to see what it does for you. Some (very) minor tweaks can be made during that time, but stick with the main outline of the program. After you’ve done it for a while, then you can either make bigger changes or look for another program to follow.