May I suggest Clavicle Lengthening Surgery?
Is this the pivotal issue on whether you lift weights or not?
Give proper diet and training two years and see if you can add some muscle. You could use more muscle regardless of your clavicles.
This is what professionals call the tongue test:
Take a video for us of yourself trying to touch your tongue to your shoulder. If you can, your clavicles are too short and if you can’t then you’re ideally suited for bodybuilding.
Its an old Bulgarian screening technique that they used to use, and since its from somewhere else and a different time period you know its really good.
I believe the inspiration for that was from when the Slovaks used to test T-Spine mobilty by whether or not you could touch the tip of your penis with your tongue.
Yep. They used that for screening entry into the military.
Start doing Reeve’s Deadlifts Immediately!
Is this a running joke or something?
This clavicle shit rears it’s ugly head at least once a year