by Joe DeFranco
A simple warm-up routine that’s helped powerlifters, meatheads, and other anti-mobility dudes feel better and progress faster in their workouts with fewer injuries. Check it out.
The Agile 8 is a simple warm-up routine I’ve been using successfully for years. It’s helped powerlifters, meatheads, and other anti-mobility dudes feel better and progress faster in their workouts with fewer injuries.
The Agile 8 will make you sweat, prepare your joints, stretch your muscles, and best of all, it’ll only take ten minutes. Hell, I even do it on the days I don’t train.
The Agile 8
- Foam roll your IT band. Start just below your hip and roll up and down to your outer mid-thigh ten to fifteen times, focusing on any tight spots. Then perform ten to fifteen rolls starting at your outer mid-thigh and rolling all the way down to the outside of your knee
- Foam roll your adductors. Start just below the crease of your hip and roll up and down your inner mid-thigh ten to fifteen times, focusing on any tight spots. Then perform ten to fifteen rolls starting at your inner mid-thigh and rolling down to the inside of your knee. Again, focus on the tight areas
- Glute/piriformis myofascial release with a tennis ball. Take the tennis ball and sit on your left butt cheek with a slight tilt. Cross your left leg. Roll for 30 seconds or so. Switch cheeks and repeat. Feel free to cry
- Rollovers into “V” sits: Perform ten reps.
- Fire hydrant circles: Perform ten forward circles and ten backward circles with each leg.
- Mountain climbers: 20 total reps.
- Groiners: Perform ten reps. Hold the last rep for ten seconds. Make sure to push your knees out with your upper arms while dropping your butt down.
- Static hip flexor stretch: Perform 3 sets of 10 seconds on each leg. Complete all three sets on one side before moving to the other.