Hey man,
The lifting looks great. Awesome progress, keep it up!
I’m going to make a suggestion. Your training is kinda all over the place. Maybe that’s not the right way to describe it, but there doesn’t seem to be much of a progression model in place. Maxing out, or doing max reps, is ok every once in a while, but keep in mind that this is simply testing, not training. There is a difference between the two, and one of them provides continual progress and improvement, and the other fails to really do anything but show where you’re at on that specific day.
I really would suggest a 5/3/1 template.
Your second post in the log said you were doing this:
Day 1: Rows & Pushups
Day 2: Jogging
Day 3: Clean & Press
Then it changed to:
Day 1: Deadlift
Day 2: Squat
Day 3: Rest
then doing upper body with the clean & press, rows & pushups, and chinups & dips.
I think a good approach would be this:
(two options, based on if you want 3 or 4 days a week)
Day 1: Squat & Clean (Power Clean if you prefer)
Day 2: Bench
Day 3: Deadlift & Front Squat
Day 4: Press (Overhead)
Day 1: Squat & Bench
Day 2: Deadlift and (Power) Clean
Day 3: Front Squat & Press
Since you seem to enjoy working out often, you could do the 4 days a week, and just do the 3 days a week if you have a busy week or something.
First off, are you aware of what 5/3/1 is?
If no, read this:
It explains how to use the system.
You don’t by any means need to do this. If you’re happy with what you’re doing, fantastic, and keep it up. I just think this is a very good, very proven system of progression, that allows for some flexibility with the scheduling, and very easy strength gains. Not easy as in there’s no work, but easy to figure out. For at least a little while, you can expect to add 10 pounds to your squat a month. That’s potentially 120 pounds in a year! Obviously, this doesn’t happen for most, but the point is you can set goals and have a fairly accurate idea of when you’ll reach them.
If you want to be flexible, read this:
Do that ^^ for the lower body, and this for the upper body:
You can do this anywhere from 2-3 times daily, to just before each workout. I tend to do it 3-7 times a week. So this ranges from before my workouts to every day. It’s up to you. It’s pretty much all you need to keep your body mobile and feeling good though.
Jim Wendler, the creator of 5/3/1, and a very smart man as far as training goes, recommends doing easy conditioning 3-5 days a week, and hard conditioning 2-3 times a week.
Easy conditioning would be just a simpe walk, or bike ride, or swimming if you have any experience with that. If not, then it’s not going to be very “easy” for you. I think it’s good to set aside time each day and just go for a 30-60 minute long walk. It’s very restorative, and peaceful. You could also switch this up with a bike ride every now and then. Just relax. Don’t make an effort to make sure you sweat or breath hard, just let your body move well and comfortably. This will help very well with recovery from your workouts, as well as increase your longevity as you age.
Hard conditioning is what’s going to help burn fat, get you “in shape”, and protect you from the heart problems your family has dealt with. Read this:
Some things in there, such as using the Prowler, jump rope, or weighted vest obviously require access to those pieces of equipment. But a jump rope is cheap and easy to find. Others, such as hill sprints and running stairs are usually fairly easy to find. Normal (flat) sprints will do as well. These are all things you can, and should, do. You should by all means should be trying to get strong, but if you’re not interested in being a competitive powerlifter, never let yourself become a slob who loses his breath at the slightest activity. Conditioning is very important.
Side note:
This is called a hang clean, or clean from the hang. The hang just refers to holding it somewhere between your lower thighs and hips, rather than the floor.
Anyway, this is all just info for you. Doing one of the two templates I listed above, with some assitance work (pushups, chinups, rows, lunges, etc.), some easy and hard conditioning, and the right mobility work will most likely result in the results you’re looking for.