Well here’s the deal. My goal is to bulk up a little bit to about 210lbs. Right now I am about 196lbs with about 12-13%bf. 6ft tall. Im currently on week 7 of a 5day perweek routine. I am eating about 3500 calories, but have been feeling really tired as of late.
Overtraining? I am getting about 7-8hrs of sleep per nite. My gains havent really been the greatest. Therefore, I am thinking of switching up my routine starting this monday. I was either going to do a 4 day split or a 3 day split.
4 day:
db incline bench- 3 sets 10,8,6
Flat Bench- 4 sets 10, 8,8,6
DB Chest Flies-3 sets 10, 8,8
Decline bench-3 sets 10,8,6
Barbell Curls-3 sets 10,8,8
Zottoman Curls-3 sets 10,8,6
Squat-4 sets 10,10,8,8
Leg Ext-3 sets 10,10,8
Lunges-3 sets 10,10,10
Leg curls-3 sets 10,8,8
Calf raises-3 sets 20,20,20
Reverse crunches/Bicycles(superset) 20,20
Pullups- 3sets 10,10,10
Deadlifts 4 sets-10,8,8,6
Barbell bent rows-3 sets 10,8,8
cable pulls- 3 sets 10,10,10
Calf raises-3 sets 15, 15, 15
Hanging Knees/Bar twists(SS) 12,12
Shoulder press- 3 sets 10,8,8
Lat raises 3 sets 10,10,8
Shrugs-3 sets 12,12,10
Reverse flies- 2 sets 10,10
Skull crushers-3 sets 10,8,8
CG Bench- 3sets 10,8,6
Dips-2 sets 15,15
Not sure if I should move biceps with back and do that on thursday and legs on tuesday.
3day Split
I know there is a lot here, but just really trying to get some good opinions because I have realized that 5 day is a little bit too much for me right now.