I just started working out a few months ago after graduating from college. I’m 24, 5’6", 140lbs. I lifted weights a little off and on before college but for 5+ years I hadn’t done much of any physical activity. I’ve always been a pretty skinny guy. After college was over I had a little fat on me but not too much, so my first goal was to lose most of that extra fat which I have done in 3 months. I’m now fairly cut.
All the articles I’ve read on controlling weight basically state that if you intake more calories than you burn you gain weight, and vice versa. This makes sense, but what if I want to gain only muscle? Should I try to get a larger percentage of my calories from protein? I’ve been training at the gym at work and am in the process of buying some equipment for home so that I can work out longer hours at home. I have a bench with a rack for squats, dumbells, curl bars and the weights obviously. I need to know if I should buy more equipment or how good of a workout can I get just from these? Please post some articles I can absorb!
I’m sure there is an article on workout plans. I searched and found reference to CW’s TFT program but couldn’t find the actual program mentioned. Can someone help me?
I’ll share my current workout below.
For the past few months my workout has been the following
8-12 reps of the following (2 sets):
Bench, squat, preacher curls, then 4 freemotion machines consisting of shoulders, lats, row, and back, then I do calf raises and jump rope between sets.
2 sets of:
Cycle for 10 min
Run for 10 min
jump rope
Pull ups and dips
I try to run for an extended period and do some other cardio… sometimes it’s just an active sport for a while.
Sun.: rest
If I want to bulk up should I do other weight lifting on the days i’m doing cardio or in addition?
After talking to someone I should cut back on reps and then maybe try to do 3 sets?
I feel like I should probably cut back on cardio also if i want to get more size because won’t cardio slim me down?
I’m pretty ambitious and know I will definitely stick with working out now because I love the results I’ve gotten in only a few months. I just want to make sure that I am being as productive as possible.
I also recently purchased whey protein, protein bars, some creatiine/NO-X, and some Lipo 6 fat burners that was recommended to me. I have been taking some fat burners trying different ones. It’s hard to know for sure if they are really helping or not. Since I’m working out in addition to taking these.