Im starting to deadlift more now, and heard that its very important to completely unload the bar (set down) between each rep.
My problem is that the gym i work out at has the dang hexagonal weight plates, so if you set the weight down, it rolles every which way, and you cant do the next rep without changing your stance.
I have two choices,
Just tap the ground, which may result in a little “bounce” at the bottom.
Stop before i reach the ground
Also, im thinking of using smaller weight plates (25’s) or the deadlift platform, so i can go further down.
What about the lowest pin position of a squat or power rack? The last position on my gyms squat rack makes the plates on a few cm off the ground which is still a decent starting position. If the lowest position isn’t that low, maybe consider using a step or box to stand on; the ‘dead’ is pretty crucial.
I agree with the dfreezy above; use a power rack with pins. I prefer rack pulls over standard deadlifts anyway.
Another option is to use a modified rest-pause method. Do a near max, set it down, reset, take about 10 seconds, lift again, repeat. Do clusters of 3-5 reps per set.
I also have those hex plates in my gym, and I always have a firm grip on them so they won’t roll when I land them on the floor. I also try to control which side of the plates land (I observe that if I follow strict form, the plates don’t roll).
I’d recommend these over clusters because clusters are plateau busters. Use them only when you need them.
[quote]dankid wrote:
My gym doesn’t have any form of power rack.
One of you said to set the bar down and stand up in between reps. Is that really a good way to do it?[/quote]
It’s safer and it will allow you to get in more reps if you start each rep fresh from a standing position. This, of course, is only for conventional deadlifts, trap-bar deadlifts, and other deadlifts where you pull from the floor. If you’re doing Romanian Deadlifts then you should not stand up without the bar for every rep.
When you’ve got lemons make lemonade…reset after each rep. You don’t really need to stand up if you feel you can lock-in on your next rep without standing up.
BTW, I’ve been to a few gyms with straight sides/…if they even have 1 pair of circular plates just slap them on forst and the whole bunch will roll.
kk thanks, they dont have even a single pair of round ones.
I think im gonna compromise.
When im doing heavier weights 1-3 reps, i’ll set it down between each rep, and when im doing higher reps, i’ll put the 25’s on and go deeper, but just tap the ground.
because they were designed by people who don’t know shit about weightlifting. the fact that they don’t roll across the gym floor was a main selling point for hex plates and dumbells when they came out. solved one problem and created another
Honestly bro… its all depends on what your aim is at the time of the deads. If they are speed deads, speed is the key, so fuck resetting and just power through em. But there is a practical application for resetting each time. Teaches good form and how to train your body to walk up and set up perfectly every time. Like I said man, it all depends on the application at the time.