I was considering trying to actually add some significant size in the near future and since I only train at home with less than the bare essential equipment, I was juggling around the idea of a Squats & Milk-inspired routine.
The only hiccup is that I don’t have a squat rack at home, and my front squats need serious work. So, I figured, what the hell…Deadlifts & Milk! Stupid idea? Worthwhile idea? Opinons/suggestions?
I’d still have to flesh out the details (like probably compromising and using straps for a while), but thought I’d run this by the crowd and see what’s what. Thanks.
Get the form down for front squats. Use a light weight, one that you can clean up easily, and practice your form.
You could always put 150 lbs of sand or so in a bag and do zercher squats with it. Depending on strength 150 lbs probably won’t be enough unless you’re doing high rep sets.
There’s a big difference between doing squats and deadlifts, a huge intensity difference.