20 Rep Squats (Overall Template)

I did some research on the site, but many of the threads end after only a page and I was unable to find an article that was “the source” of this template…

I was wondering how the 20 rep squat program has worked for some of you and if anyone has used it for other exercises, even deadlifts…or something.

Ive been trying to improve my form and I thought that perhaps by lowering the weight and doing more reps I could build my way back up to the same weight, but with better form.

My main concern is that the 20 rep squat program would not be using a heavy enough weight (intensity) and also none of the threads mentioned the prescribed number of sets. Obviously this could be individual, but I was wondering if there was any general consensus.

Thanks in advance to those who respond…and Im continuing research, even tried findarticles.com, if anyone has any experience to chip in I would appreciate it.

20 rep squats was the best workouts of my life. I was addicted to them. But after a serious back injury I can no longer do them. I miss them terribly.

thanks fs style…ive read some places only to do one set, but this seems like really low volume.

They said to calculate your weight to use you take your 5RM and subtract the number of workouts times 5lbs per workout. So for the time period in the article it was 90lbs.

so 5RM-90 and thats the starting weight. Then add 5lbs per workout.

This seems weird…anyone have opinions…bump?

Without buying the super squats book this is the total body training program best suited to be used with 20 rep squats:

Squats 1X20
(You must use your 10RM. By rep 9 you should be regretting the use of 20 rep squats. When you get tired you stand and rest with the bar still on your back. It’s called the rest-pause technique. It’s a type of Hight Intensity Training

Pullovers 1X20
(Classically you don’t go up in weight with pullovers. You just use 25 pounds and get a good stretch and ribcage expansion. This will help you put on pounds and get a bigger frame. BREATHE IN ON THE NEGATIVE AND OUT WHEN YOU LIFT. BIG BREATHS. POWERFUL BREATHES.)

Romanian Deadlift 1X15
(You’ve only got 1 set of 15. Use a challenging weight. Make this 1 set count as much as 6. Think High Intensity)

Pullovers 1X20
(Same as before)

Weighted Dips 3X10
Bent Over Barbell Row 3X15

If you feel like doing more exercises like calf raises and rotator cuff work at the end of this workout and you have enough energy to do so then go ahead. Squats, Romanian Deadlifts, Dips, and Rows will add mass to all of your body and don’t really leave any muscle unused.

20 rep squats are a bitch, but they will add serious mass. I’ve done them use 10 rep max like stated. Start pausing and taking a breath when you need to, then do two breaths, 3 breaths, 5 breaths at the top. It is a total bitch! After training for several years I bought the supersquats book and did this routine once a week and only did the squats, the rest of my week was normal training. The squats were enough volume and put stretch marks on my quads.

I’d only do them for 2 or 3 weeks at a time and then do unilateral work for 2 or 3 weeks and then go back to them. They tend to be very hard on your back and many people get overuse injuries by doing them for too long. Don’t make that mistake. After you do them you will not think that is too little volume! :slight_smile:

Iron Mind (www.ironmind.com) has a book on the 20 rep squat program. It claims you can gain 30 pounds in 6 weeks.

I first used the program in 1993. I went from 155# to 180# in 6 weeks. It is a brutally hard program if done correctly.

Some things I would suggest:

Have some one count the reps for you and out loud. When you get to rep 15, you will forget where you are because of load and all of breathing you are doing.

Eat! You cannot grow if you are not eating to support the growth!

You need a spotter. Even if you are in a power cage you need some one telling you to keep going. The killer for me was rep 17, every time. When I got to rep 17 I could talk myself out of the last three reps everytime unless I was being yelled at. It really helps if someone is “ordering” you to continue.


It don’t count if you don’t do 20 reps. Suck it up and do them all. It is a great motivator to walk (crawl) out of the gym knowing you did all of the reps.


I did one set of 10 with an empty bar to warm up. Then get on to the weight for the day. The goal is to get the reps and add weight next work out.

When the weight starts to get up there (for me the 300# range) You might want to add just 2.5# each work out. The goal: add weight, do 20 reps.


If you feel like doing anything else after the 20 rep squat and pullovers, you need to be thinking about adding more weight. I would squat once every 5 to 7 days and walking would be tough for several days after each squat session.


The 20 rep squat program was one of the most effective programs I ever used. I made the best gains in the shortest time frame.

EAT! Remember, you want to grow muscle!

It is hard work.

It was worth it to me.

If you try it, give it 100% and I think you will be pleased with the results.

Your results may vary but I have never heard of anyone who gave it 100% that did not make impressive gains.

Good luck and let us know how you do!


[quote]Millerizer130 wrote:
thanks fs style…ive read some places only to do one set, but this seems like really low volume… [/quote]

One set is plenty. For Week 1, start with a weight where 20 reps is a moderate effort. Then add 10 lbs/week for 6 weeks.

Flesh out the workout with several more sets.
Roman DLs (once a week, add 10 lbs/week)
Bench & Rows
Dips/Overhead Press & Chins
Various Delt, Biceps, Forearms, Rotator Cuff

IronMan Magazine (circa '92-'93):
Squats x 20
Pullovers x 12
Rom DLs (once a week) x 10
Abs x 15
Bench Press x 8
Rows x 10
Overhead Press x 8
BB Curls x 10
Triceps Ext x 10
Rev Curls x 10

Twice a week (except for DLs). Add 10 lbs/week for Squats & DLs and 5 lbs/week everything else. I hit a wall after 4 weeks on the upper body stuff, but made it all 6 with the Squats & DLs.

I am trying it again with less exercises to avoid crossover and extra/wasted effort.

Good Luck,

AND DRINK THE MILK TOO - 4 litres a day.

Here are some articles etc…

20 rep squats shock your body but they need not kill you. They probably will make your legs shake like crazy though, and I am not talking about during the set only, but afterwards for quite awhile.

They make your body release growth hormone. This makes you grow. If you eat enough. So drink the frikkin milk too.

You know what, I think I am gonna do a cycle of these right now.

Please note the 20 rep squats making the GH come out makes you grow, the supplementary exercises in the routine tells what parts of your body to grow. You don’t need to do a lot of other exercises / sets though, certainly you don’t have to go nuts on the other exercises.

Ian King has a program that includes the 20 rep squats, although it includes two working sets rather than just 1. I imagine it’s a real killer, but I haven’t tried it myself. I came across it the other day, so I thought I would mention it as an alternative to consider.
