Been doing 5X5 deadlifts. Workouts end about 2.5-3 hours before bed. Having trouble falling asleep in any position after a Deadlift workout because of my back. I spend a good 15 min following the deadlifts stretching my legs and lower back.
If your lower back is hurting, you might try laying on your back with a pillow underneath your knees. This always helps me sleep better when my spinal erectors are sore.
The stretching of the lower back is something that could give you problems. Desk work and chairs have trained us to derive mobility from our lower back as opposed to our hips which can bring about injury later on.
5x5 deadlifts should not make you so uncomfortable that you can’t sleep. Have you tried getting a trainer or a more experienced lifter to check your form?
Also spend more time warming up and stretching before you do the 5x5 set. Warm up on an elliptical trainer, stretch. Do light squats, stretch. Do some good mornings, stretch., Do deadlifts at 135 lbs., stretch.
yo i kno zactly watchu mean. Except I forgot to mention i take a preworkout supplement before wrkin out. do you do the same as well? I find that smokin a couple bowls before sleepin does the job
[quote]Goliath wrote:
yo i kno zactly watchu mean. Except I forgot to mention i take a preworkout supplement before wrkin out. do you do the same as well? I find that smokin a couple bowls before sleepin does the job[/quote]
yo i tink ya shud know bra. Ya egrish and gramer is atrocous. ya shud ley off da weed.
^^^I was attempting to make a joke, but it was actually very difficult and slow to type a full sentence with such horrible spelling and slang.
Anyways, although his English needs work, his idea is a decent one, a little weed before bed will put you right to sleep until you get used to deadlifting and the pain is more bearable.
I don’t really hurt at all until a day after or so, and even then its dull.
If your back is too tight to get comfortable, do Abs WORK! Finish with a couple of Hyper Extensions, just with body weight, then do HEAVY ab work, treat it like an exercise of its own, ramping it up etc. Then do some sit ups til you burn like hell. This should tighten your abs up and take pressure off your back.
[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
ctschneider wrote:
…try laying on your back with a pillow underneath your knees.
GetTheHIT wrote:
Or try sleeping on your chest with a pillow under your hips.
Try laying on your head with your arm tucked in your butt.[/quote]
or try laying on your side with a smurf near your bedstand holding onto your fishsticks.
? no? don’t have the materials needed?
i sleep w/ a pillow btwn my legs or under my knees to keep my knees bent. that helps me sleep w/o back pain.
deadlifting shouldn’t make it hard to sleep. 2-3hrs is plenty of time to get over a workout. make sure your nutrition surrounding your workout is up to par.