I’ve noticed this for awhile now and I want to see if anybody has similar experiences.
I’m on the last week of a 6 week training cycle, it’s actually a 14 week training cycle, but I broke it up into a 6 week block, 3 week block, 3 week block, with a deload week after each. Straight linear increment each week cycling rep ranges, so its just going to get harder.
This past week, I’ve had trouble sleeping. Either I can’t fall asleep, or I do manage to fall asleep, but wake up ~2-3 hours later wide awake. It’s not life stress as I have slim/none right now, caffeine/stimulant consumption has remained the same, and it’s there even on rest days.
I’m thinking and pretty sure on this being a good indicator of over reaching and that a good amount of training stress has been imposed.
Do you notice sleep issues near the end of training cycles or after a couple weeks of solid PR sessions?