Deadlift Help (Lower Back)

OH quick question… our gym doesn’t have bumper plates, is there anything I could use?? I’d rathe not drop it on another plate possibly effing it up

If there’s no blocks and you don’t trust not damaging plates you’re gonna have to get in the rack and fidget around, maybe stand on plates in the rack if you can’t load it low enough. You just need to measure it up to as low as you can on your shin whilst feeling as close to natural and comfortable as possible.

As I implied though, there’s still a possibility that you can pull from the floor if it’s more of a form issue. Taking the time to play around and finding your range of motion will set you up long-term. Pick what you think you’ll be able to do for a long-time, not something that fulfills an ego that will end up limiting your progress or cause an injury moving forward.

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thanks for the knowledge!! I think some of the racks have some low levels, but Im gonna try just pulling from the floor first and see how that goes

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How’s it going?

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hey thanks for checking in!! Today was the first day I put some weight on the bar using conventional. I narrowed my stance, brought my arms in a little more and squeezed some oranges in my arm pits haha. I wanted to be a little gradual with it. Sets went like this…

135 1 set 8 reps
225 2 sets 5 reps
315 2 sets 4 reps
385 1 set 4 reps

No pain, actually felt like I could go a lot higher. My hip drive has gotten a lot better

Then did 4x4 with 404 on rack pulls and no pain

From here on out though I think I’m probably going to switch up deadlift styles every week. 1 week hex, 1 week deficit hex, then 1 week conventional. Maybe do one week conventional with some bumper plates. add in bands to those sets as well

I really think losing some weight is helping a lot too. I was at 325 at my highest and I’m down to about 285 now. I’m gonna try to get to 260 and see how I like that. Once I get some good weight on there I’ll check back in with a video so yall can see if the form is still ok. Thanks for checking in!!!

Sounds like good news! Keep up the good work.

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