Switch from Hex Bar to Conventional DL?

I started training for strength again last January and wasn’t able to deadlift very well, so I switched to a hexbar (still had issues) and then switched to the raised handles. That worked and got me over the hump - Jim said full ROM is better - so I spent 6 weeks without the raised handles but using rubber mats and then subtracting a rubber mat every week, occasionally practicing conventional with about 60% TM. I am starting my next cycle and following the 2x2x2, which will give me plenty of recovery time between heavy deadlifting sessions.

The question: so now that I can do conventional deadlifts, should I switch? I have never trained this exercise before, so I don’t really know the difference in impact relative to the hexbar (I’ve only done sumo and that was 14 years ago).

Thanks for any feedback, hopefully the last question I ask for 6 months.

Yes you should, just start low.

If you’re not injured in some way, or don’t compete in powerlifting, you should pull conventional. The benefits and transfer to other aspects are remarkable.

I just switched to conventional from sumo because of injury and a list of piffanies (weak low back, beated up hips from all that sumo pulling and that I was pulling sumo just because I was relatively good at it). This is hard thing for me because DL is my strongest movement, I’m relatively shitty presser (coming up!) and moderate squatter. Now I must drop my TM for deadlift about 80-90 pounds.

I’ve had only two sessions of conv. deadlift after my rehab, and my posterior chain is feeling really f****ng good.

Good advice Rattus, I am similar to you in strengths and weaknesses, so I will be starting this lift tomorrow morning and see how it rolls for the next 12 weeks. Cheers.

(Damnit, I will have to change my avatar if this switch sticks)

I’ve done both conventional and hex, and have gotten better results with conventional. My 2cents.

Thanks - I tried the switch this morning, plus trying to return to squats - it’s a no go still. I can switch to conventional and stick with hip-belt squats, or stick with the hex bar and try for regular squats.

I am choosing the latter for the next 6 months, I think if I can fix whatever is giving me issues in my back on the squat will be better for me in the long term. Fucking spine.