DB Rows- 175lb x 33 Reps

Strong bastard and elite lifter Matt Kroczalesk doing DB rows with 175lbs for 33 reps.


That’s freaky strong.

so thats what it takes to look like that

seems atainable tho dosent it? I mean if you had acces to 170lb dumbells and gave it a year or two

[quote]n3wb wrote:
seems atainable tho dosent it? I mean if you had acces to 170lb dumbells and gave it a year or two[/quote]

Ummm… yeah. Likely.

Keep in mind that’s probably the 4th movement in his workout and he’s probably already killed him self on a max effort movement. Which makes the feat even more impressive.

You can read his workout logs on elitefts.com, just thought id point that out if anyones interested

Is the guy strong? Yes. But those are NOT dumbbell rows. His form sucked.


yeah, obviously if he did them the way YOU would teach, he would be jacked, as is he is pretty average.

btw, he has a RAW 700lb squat, deadlift, and 500lb RAW bench. damn. imagine where he would be if he just listened to CW or CT and followed some of the routines posted here at T-Nation.

[quote]n3wb wrote:
seems atainable tho dosent it? I mean if you had acces to 170lb dumbells and gave it a year or two[/quote]

what are the biggest dumbells you have access to and how many reps can you do with them?

[quote]heavythrower wrote:

yeah, obviously if he did them the way YOU would teach, he would be jacked, as is he is pretty average.

btw, he has a RAW 700lb squat, deadlift, and 500lb RAW bench. damn. imagine where he would be if he just listened to CW or CT and followed some of the routines posted here at T-Nation. [/quote]

Oh wait a second…did I say he was strong? Yea I did.

[quote]Edders wrote:
Is the guy strong? Yes. But those are NOT dumbbell rows. His form sucked.


His form may “suck” but I would say he’s twice as strong as you could ever fucking dream of being.

Do you honestly believe that if you were to teach him the “correct” way to do rows then he’d be a better powerlifter??

I sincerly fucking doubt it.

[quote]heavythrower wrote:
imagine where he would be if he just listened to CW or CT and followed some of the routines posted here at T-Nation. [/quote]

The rest of your clown was funny, and I agreed, but this isn’t very nice.

[quote]Edders wrote:
Is the guy strong? Yes. But those are NOT dumbbell rows. His form sucked.


Actually what’s wrong with the first 10 reps. Please, for all our sakes point it.

[quote]Edders wrote:
Is the guy strong? Yes. But those are NOT dumbbell rows. His form sucked.


I didn’t think his form was that bad, I was expecting a lot worse from your post. The last 10 were iffy but then again it was a set of 33, the first 20 looked good.

IMO most people get more out of using a little body english to lift a lot more weight than going super strict and having to drop the weight significantly. If you are cheating a little to help the muscle working then it is not necessarily bad, especially on an exercise you can’t really spot.

Well I was impressed. You gotta remember there’s many ways to do DB rows just like any exercise. Sure he wasn’t pulling to his hip but my God in Heaven with a 175lb DB who would. What he was doing was much like doing a 3 Board Press. Sure, ROM is limited ROM is not the main point; moving a BIG ASS weight is. He wasn’t swinging it up either, expect maybe at the end

[quote]sapasion wrote:
Well I was impressed. You gotta remember there’s many ways to do DB rows just like any exercise. Sure he wasn’t pulling to his hip but my God in Heaven with a 175lb DB who would. What he was doing was much like doing a 3 Board Press. Sure, ROM is limited ROM is not the main point; moving a BIG ASS weight is. He wasn’t swinging it up either, expect maybe at the end[/quote]

NB sapasion, this is not aimed at you.

Of course he has a shortened ROM!! He’s thick as fuck and the dumbell is gigantic. There’s no way in hell he could get the same ROM as a 150lb’er rowing 35’s.

God sometimes I wonder if people in the STRENGTH SPORTS forum actually understand what it takes to get strong.

i dunno whta some of you aree talking about. form looked pretty solid to me

I’m defienatly with redsox here, looked pretty good to me. I dunno wtf you guys see lol


[quote]Edders wrote:
Is the guy strong? Yes. But those are NOT dumbbell rows. His form sucked.


LMAO. I knew someone was going to say this. From the linked video I saw this one:

with a dude doing 500 for 4 reps. Among other things, he is accused of using poor form and steriods. (Because, of course, if only the guys weighing 150 lbs. used steroids, they’d also be able to bench 500 lbs.!)

I seriously think people who post what Edders posted should be banned. They obviously have nothing to contribute.

Do these people at least buy supplements here? If so, then I understand not wanting to alienate customers. If not, then why are people like that allowed to exist here?

[quote]sapasion wrote:
You gotta remember there’s many ways to do DB rows just like any exercise. [/quote]

No. There is only one way - the “right” way. What is the “right” way? Whatever way is described in the most recent article, of course!

Thanks for the lecture, Edders. Please keep sharing your insights.