Hey guys, Im not 35, Im 32 but man has my body changed. I dont heal near as fast as I used to when I was under 30. My issue is this- Im staying sore for so long it doesnt make me want to go to the gym. Im wokring out about 5:30 am and I usually only do Compound movements.
For instance, I did legs (squats) on Monday and Im STILL sore today. Not much mind you, but yesterday I was pretty sore. What Im getting at is after a few days of major lifting, I dont want to go back the rest of the week becuase Im so damn sore. Since Ive never experianced this, can you guiys give me some advice? I take a shake with carb slam before and after my WO.
Then eat breakfast an hour later and several more meals during the day including protien at night before bed. So I dont think its a lack of protien or eating. I just dont know what supplement/food to eat to help with reduce my soreness time. Ideas? thanks.
I am fifty and have been using a supplement called CYTOMAX - it’s a product used by a lot of pro cyclists.It has a lot of lactic acid buffers and magnesium- a crucial mineral for muscle recovery.
You might also have some issues with inflammation- is your diet free of sugar flour products 90% of the time?
Ibuprofin can speed healong recovery because of it’s anti-inflammatory properties.
Hope that helps
Are you streching and/or foam rolling pre & post workout?
I try to up proteins and calories in general if I’m getting sore. I also try to consume above average amounts of water before squat day and deadlift day as those are the most taxing on me.
squatting more than once every 7 days made the biggest difference for me …as far as squat recovery is concerned . westside…1 ME , 1 DE .
just started foam rolling…so the jury’s still out ; but expecting good things once I get the hang of it . did a session when I got home from my last DE squat day , and the following day was WORSE than normal…but 2 days out was excellent . dont have a grip on this yet .
another big difference for me was eating…and I dont mean fuckin’ chicken breast and broccoli . I’m talkin’ as many calories / protein as I can pile in , IMMEDIATELY after I get done squatting ; I dont give two shits about the source …as long as it’s NOW .
3 double cheese-burgers from BK and a chocolate shake is around 2000 calories ; frozen pizza and a quart+ chocolate milk…1500ish . and Im not a big guy by any standard .
this isnt advice…just sharing things I’ve personally noticed .
I try to walk it off for a few miles…doesn’t help. Makes it worse.
I’m usually sore 24/7 in one place or another depending on what I did 24-48 hours prior. I get anxious and uncomfortable when I’m not limping, grunting or craving the foam roller.
Thanks for the help guys. I’ll up my calories imediately PW and strech better. I recently took a whole month off becuase of a new job so Im only back in over the last couple of weeks.
Surge recovery has really made a big difference for me, I foam roll. Dont stretch alot prior to workout only after. Also Fish oil and eat a lot. Of course right now I am doing a paleo diet with the wife for a competition and I am sore longer than ever before. But I knew that was going to happen. Whenever I eat a ton of carbs I am less sore, but I get a bigger belly.