[quote]Aragorn wrote:
[quote]ryan.b_96 wrote:
havent spent any real time training as a powerlifter, but after talking to some at my gym they convinced me to give it a try and compete in a meet some time late next year.
just wanted to get your input on the routine.
squat 2 x 5
box squat 2 x 4
leg press 2 x 10
(pick 2 of the above)
calves 2 x 15
heavy abs 2 x 20
wide grip flat bench 2 x 6
incline bench 2 x 6
dips 2 x 10
side raises or upright rows 1 x 10-15
deadlift variation 2 x 5 (rotate each week)
GHR, pull throughs, reverse hypers 1 x 10-15 (pick 1)
barbell rows 2 x 6
pull downs 2 x 8
curls 2 x 8
this is just the basic routine as i get stronger i will add a few more exercises in. [/quote]
2 sets? Not enough by a long shot. I would side with MightyMouse and cparker and say start 5/3/1 for Powerlifting or use this:
It is a complete 9 week template ready to use. I used it when I was first starting out and made great gains. It is a 4 day split instead of a t3 day split–but if you can swing the extra day without skipping workouts it is great. If not, use 5/3/1 or PL or something similar. Don’t hack the 9 week program apart. The only thing I would say to do different would be to use a 5 rep max or 3 rep max on ME days instead of a 1RM. You need the extra time under the bar.
Oh–and use a regular bench press instead of a board press in the first 4 weeks. You can do everything else as written. If you don’t have a reverse hyper do back extensions and if you don’t have a glute ham raise machine do manual glute ham raises (you can look those up).
I do agree however with your choice of 5 rep max in the split you outlined above. Beginners to powerlifting need to work on 3 or 5 RMs to build neural efficiency and also volume. 1RMs are fine for testing once in a while, but shouldn’t be trained as often the others. One reason I like 5/3/1 for powerlifting.
i get what your saying. im not going to try and understand why the routine is designed the way it is, but it was written by an elite powerlifter or used to be john pinder (exmgq) posts at iron addicts. but i will take into consideration your advice thanks.