I have been training WSB style for over a year now and have had good progress, I’m an aspiring powerlifter. I was wondering what I can do for my weighted GPP work as I have no sled, wood to chop. Basically I have a dip chin stationw/ a dip belt, Barbells and dumbells, a bench and a rack. Currently I’ve been doing dumbell swings for 3 weeks w/ good results. I’m just getting bored w/ the swings and would like something new.
Well lets not stop with the swings but have you used Farmers walks. However with the sled -you can also use a tire. Let me know if you have any potential non-conforming objects to use. In faith, Coach Davies
I’m sure coach Davies will have some more ideas to throw at you but here are a few I can think of off the top of my head.
Farmers walk with dumbells, wheelbarrow walk, sandbag or heavybag carries, sandbag or heavybag lifting(take a medium sandbag and set it up and down on something like the bed of a truck for 50 reps), tire flipping, car & truck pushing, keg carrying, keg lifting, tire throwing (get a smallish tire and just chunk it around using different types of throws for 10 minutes), rope pulling (find a long piece of rope and attach it to something moderately heavy then just sit down and pull it in), rock lifting and throwing…if you get creative you should nver run out of things to do. Best of luck with your training!
Maybe I misunderstood - but do you have any of those types of things Kelly noted. We use all of those in our training. In faith, Coach Davies
build a pulling sled out of an old tire and 20 dollars worth of chains, an eyebolt, nuts, washers, connectors, a piece of wood, and straps. takes about 10 minutes.
Thanks for the suggestions. I do have a 50lb bag of sand and I’m sure I can do truck pushing. I do farmers walks, sorry forgot to mention that. I’m a college student who is transferring to a new school in dec. so finances are tight. I don’t have any old tires.