Coach, I would really appreciate it if you or one of your students could outline an entire weeks workout for us down to exercises, sets, reps etc. I am really interested in functional training, but do not have the knowledge necessary to get started. Also, do you have a website we could visit to pick up tips and sample programs? Thank you.
I second this idea! Maybe it should be geared more for “beginners” since this type of stuff will be new for most of us! I know I can’t handle any of the workouts Coach Davies athletes are currently using. But maybe he has some workout programs that he uses to get them into shape for the hardcore training he does. I’d really like to know how to incorporate his ideas into my current weight training and time availiability.
Nate Dogg-thats the precise problem, my training principles arn’t difficult on time, but they do not lend themselves at all to being blended into other philosophies. Get back to me when you can,
In faith,
Coach Davies
If holding off on my current training program is what I have to do, then that’s what I’m down for! Let’s do this right Coach!
Nate Dogg - I going to break all the rules here - I am going to prepare something for you and those other hungry warrior’s that will blend into the article next week. Damn, I just wish we were all here to train together. Kato -it will be from the “archaic series”, so get ready for your questions (and the agony). You might have to handle a lot of their questions. Nate - fill me in asap if you have something to drag/lift, ie wheelbarrow, sled, truck tires etc. I wish you had a kettle-bell but we will make do with dumbells. I will await your reply.
In faith,
Coach Davies
I to am going to take part in your workout this week coming and i have a sled and a wheel barrow but sadly no tyres though i am working on that problem at the moment.TRhanx in advance FFB
Coach Davies, unfortunately, I don’t have access to a wheelbarrow or any sled/tires for dragging. I was looking at the kettlebells from dragondoor and thought about purchasing one! Should I go ahead and get the 16kg kettlebell? Thanks again for your help! I’m looking forward to the article!
feel comfortable to reply either here or my personal email address (I know you’ve got it). Tell me a little about your general strength and I will figure out what one is best for you. But a great purchase!
In faith,
Coach Davies
great to hear you are on-board. Any specific issues you want me to deal with. I need to hear within 6 hours because I will post mid afternoon.
In faith,
Coach Davies
Nothing to drag Nate Dogg? Come on up to my horse farm in CT. You can drag a stone boat around after you dead lift boulders on to it from the pastures. And you can wheelbarrow all day long if you like. I’ll even feed you 5 or 6000 calories a day if you aren’t too tired to eat. You can have your own 12’X12’ stall at night. But you better bring your own K-bells though. I threw mine out when Bob Hoffman stopped publishing Strength and Health magazine.
Coach D, what makes the Dragon Door Kettlebells better than the “loadable” ones available from Ironhorse? Should I purchase two? I love this whole “Coach D T-forum invasion” it rawks. The “Bull-in-a-china-shop” training is perfect for those of us who, on occasion, just like to chuck heavy stuff around and grunt.
“MB Eric: Every time the Monkey grunts an angel gets ground into pudding since 12 B.C.”
first of all “AvoidRoids” - you’re lucky you didnt invite me because you might wake up in the morning and find me setting up campsite. I just finished driving into the damn mountains to do that workout in 90 degree heat. And CT - whew, I used to love my time there. Monkeyboy- I like dragondoors because they dont flip and hit as high on the forearm, which could be dangerous. If you can afford 2 or the set, that would be great. Email me and I might be able to recommend what you should buy. And I appreciate your comments-sooner you guys realize I am just a coach, who likes to have a few beers with the boys the better. Theres no ego here - just commitment.
In faith,
Coach Davies
AvoidsRoids, that sounds like fun! Too bad you aren’t in Florida. I’d come over for plenty of functional training at your house. And if you’re willing to feed me, I wouldn’t pass it up! I was just in Massachusettes last week visiting relatives. I did manage to get to the beach and do some rock lifting/throwing. That was fun! Next time I’m in the area, I’ll have to let you know.
Coach Davies, I went ahead and emailed you the background information you may need to help set up a training program for me. I hope it helps! Let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you again!
Well here goes Renegades - I will post this workout for you to try. This is from my “archaic” series of training sessions. They harken back to a period quite some time ago in which I utilized a minimalist training when we worked in spartan isolated conditions. I hadn’t used this training for some time, until my assistant, Kato, had discoved them in my archives. We implemented them on a group of athletes and found it a perfect fit for the time. For those who like functional training it will be a perfect way to acclimate yourself into say the work that will appear in the magazine next week. It is as follows:
Rope Skip: 3 minute rounds, with 1 min breaks in which you perform the following during your “break”
- rounds 1, 2 & 3: 30 vertical jumps
- rounds 4, 5 & 6: 30 side-to-side slalom line jumps
Section A: Strength Complex – 5 sets, minimal rest between stations
Med ball wood chopper with jump x 20
One arm Dumbell Snatch x 25 reps
Glute-Ham raise x 25
Overhead Squat x 10
Towel chin x 10
Burpee’s x 15
Hang Snatch to full-overhead squat x 5
Iron Cross x 15 reps
Section B
jumping jacks
shuffle jacks
star jumps
- 30 seconds x 5 sets, continuous
Wheelbarrow/Farmers walk x 10 minutes
Reverse Hyper 4 sets x 6-8 reps
Zottman curls 4 sets x 12 reps
Section C
Med ball Hybrid – 10 sets ~ performed in circuitous fashion for a total of 10 throws per station
Medicine Ball Scoop Throw Forward
Hurdle Barrier Jump (5 successive hurdles)
Medicine Ball Scoop Throw Backward
Hurdle Barrier Jump (5 successive hurdles)
Section D
Chinees (30/30 x 5 minutes)
Preferably use kettle bells for dumbell snatchs or sandbags.
I look forward to hearing of your success.
In faith,
Coach Davies
Coach, a few quick questions about the workout. First, are parts A, B and C done on the same day? Or are they alternate days? Do we do this workout each day all week? If not, what should we do on the other days during the week?
What are Med ball wood chopper with jumps, the Iron Cross and shuffle jacks? Or should I substitute something else for those exercises? If I don’t have access to a medicine ball, what can I do in place of the exercises listed under section C?
I like the strength complex. Those are some great exercises, and I'm looking forward to giving them a try. However, I have never done one-arm snatches, so that may be awkward. In fact, I've never seen them done before. I have done a conventional snatch with a barbell, so I should be able to get the hang of that again. For the one-arm snatches, do we do both arms starting with the weak side first?
Last thing. Which kettlebell should I purchase (16kg, 24kg, 32kg)? And since there is so much medicine ball work, what size ball do you suggest for the exercises? Thanks again! The workout looks great, and I’m looking forward to giving it a spin Monday!
Nate-thats tomorrow workout, never to be repeated again. Should note take more than 90 minutes. Once I hear responses, I can develop the following days session. Med ball wood chopper - holding med ball above head, chop down and touch floor and jump up as if to touch cieling with ball. Shuffle jacks - move feet like shuffle but arms like jumping jacks. Iron Cross-start in “biker position” - imagine you’re riding a real bike - a “Fatboy”, take a wide base, like the Westside squat stance but with arms out in front of you, parallel to ground. Stand-up, thrusting hips forward while at the same time move arms to side to form the same position in the “iron cross” from ring work. Concentrate on tight abdominals and good breathing techniques. No Med ball - fill 2.5 gallon water jug or even in this situation use a 5 lb weight for the “chopper” exercise. One arm snatchs are easy - put a dumbell or kbell on floor and lift, one arm at a time. We will work on the med ball thing - hey a must for all athletes!!!
In faith,
Coach Davies
Looks like a great workout coach! I’ve already been incorporating all the various jump rope and bodyweight complexes you’ve suggested and I really look forward to doing them each workout. Oddly enough I’ve noticed some slight injuries I’ve had seem to be getting better with the addition of more G.P.P…I’ve laid off on the sprinting for a while due to these injuries but here in a week or so I oughta be ready to EXPLODE!! I’m going to do this workout as posted tomorrow…fortunately I have access to all the necessary devices (except for kettlebells).just a couple of questions. On the iron cross is this a weightless exercise or should I be holding onto weights or rings? I read your response to the same question posted by Nate Dogg but I’m still not sure. And also what is a Chinee?
Thanks for all the help
Kelly-Amazing how things like injuries drop when you include GPP for an athlete. I should mention I didn’t include any sprint work because other than a yourself I dont think many are interested. I know you work with some ball players and if you wish, I will be happy to give you some of my insights. Re “the iron cross” - hold weights(preferably sandbags) in your hands. Your finishing position is similar to the iron cross hold one gymnastic rings. Your athletes will likely be using a 30 pounds weight per hand. A chinee is an abdominal exercise that you probably have performed but know by a different name, lay flat on ground, toes pointed up and arms relaxed to side. lift torso up while at the same time lifting right knee up to touch chest, then return to start, then repeat but using left knee. your pacing should be 30 per 30 seconds.In faith, Coach Davies
Coach Davies that was an great workout and i’m just a little bit shacky right now. I did ok all the way through and still had a little more to give at the end but resisted the urge to do more as i know i will be a little sore tomoz my training parter did great as well. Thanx that about somes it up :)!!
Oh i added jandas at the end as i love them sooo much is that ok.
FFB-perfect, Keep me informed of how your fatigue & soreness is. I used this workout because it would be a perfect segway into next week when you will have a bigger composite available (from an upcoming article). In faith, Coach Davies