Well, I’m on travel for a week with my new job so I’ll be doing bodyweight and single dumbbell work. I’ve already skipped a week due to laziness and lack of planning so I can’t really afford to just take this week off…
I think it’ll be a good idea not to train heavy for a while anyway since it’s been catching up to me and I feel I was going a bit overboard.
Anyway, here are some exercises I plan on doing, so any help with more choices will be appreciated:
BTW, I’m bringing 70lbs which won’t be too bad since I don’t plan on doing any ME work or anything like that. Only 1 db because I don’t want to piss off anyone at the hotel and my wife will be using the other one.
1 arm DB military presses
Vertical push-ups
1 arm floor presses (already tried them to see if I could do them and it went okay)
1 arm skull-crushers, only with my palms semi-supinated (facing in)
single leg squats
push-ups (1 arm and 2)
diamond push-ups
crunches with weight on forehead
bent over rows
single leg deadlifts
single leg stiff-leg deads
db side bends
And that’s about all I can think of off the top of my head.
I still have to find a way to put it all together, so any help with that is appreciated too.