Advice: Interruption in Training Schedule

I started a new 5/3/1 cycle last week:

Day One:
Squats 3/5/1 with FSL 3x8
DB Shrugs (100 reps)
DB Step-up 3x12 + Band Pull Aparts 3x20
BB Curl (100 reps) + Hanging Leg Raise (3x??.. focusing on control and form)

Day Two:
Bench 3/5/1 with Rest-Pause 3x?
Pullups (5 sets)
1-arm Row 3x20 (goal) + Inclined Press 3x10

Day Three: outside conditioning

Day Four:
Deadlift 3/5/1 with 1x1 @ TM (5/3/1 Strength Phase)
OH Press 3/5/1 with Rest-Pause 3x?
Chinups (3 sets)

Day Five walking/recovery

Next round begins.

Following this plan, I’ll be able to get in one extra week of workouts, but I have to go to a conference during what would be my final week (531 week) of round 2. I won’t have access to a gym beyond the hotel gym, and it won’t be more than dumbbells, even that if I’m lucky.

I’m thinking I’ll do some bodyweight stuff, maybe get outside if the weather is decent, and then pick up the final week when I come back. Thoughts?

A week won’t set you back, just hit your 531 week when you come back. On vacation, since it was a long one, I did a DC-inspired routine using bodyweight stuff & heavy-ish shit I found for upper, and some sprints for lower body.

For a refresher, DC upper day is

…everything was rest-paused sets (3 sets to near failure,spaced about 20 seconds apart, if you didn’t know already) except the rows which is one high rep set.

[quote]JoshRutherford wrote:
I started a new 5/3/1 cycle last week:

Day One:
Squats 3/5/1 with FSL 3x8
DB Shrugs (100 reps)
DB Step-up 3x12 + Band Pull Aparts 3x20
BB Curl (100 reps) + Hanging Leg Raise (3x??.. focusing on control and form)

Day Two:
Bench 3/5/1 with Rest-Pause 3x?
Pullups (5 sets)
1-arm Row 3x20 (goal) + Inclined Press 3x10

Day Three: outside conditioning

Day Four:
Deadlift 3/5/1 with 1x1 @ TM (5/3/1 Strength Phase)
OH Press 3/5/1 with Rest-Pause 3x?
Chinups (3 sets)

Day Five walking/recovery

Next round begins.

Following this plan, I’ll be able to get in one extra week of workouts, but I have to go to a conference during what would be my final week (531 week) of round 2. I won’t have access to a gym beyond the hotel gym, and it won’t be more than dumbbells, even that if I’m lucky.

I’m thinking I’ll do some bodyweight stuff, maybe get outside if the weather is decent, and then pick up the final week when I come back. Thoughts?


If I’m in a hotel for awhile:

Do what you can with the dumbbells. Since they are usually light, just do a ton of reps. 100 - 200 per movement.

I do a ton of push-ups/chins and other bodyweight movements as it is - I still do them.

Also, take the heaviest dumbbells and find the stairs. Walk up and down them. A lot. I usually take my riding gloves with me due to lack of chalk. Where I go, they have 55lbs DB’s and I don’t like dropping them down the stairs after 45 minutes.