Tbar carries 325# x total of 540 feet, much better this week with about four stops
T bar carries 275# x 540 no stop
Farmers handle walks 72# / arm x 540 no stop
T bar carries 275# x 1070 x four stops ss with the 72# handles x 1070 total.
Mossimo walk ( long walk with my Beloved Dog)
Pull ups after walk
3 sets of 8, 3 sets of 7, set of 5 then my grip started to fail so sets of 2 to 4 for a total of 100. All while watching Project Runway on my computer. My favorite pull up party atmosphere.
I’ve been lurking on your previous journals and finally decided it’s time to officially tag along. You always do some great stuff! Keep up the awesome work!
Eric! You’re missing out–Project Runway is superb pull up background noise! :)!
fs 45x5, 135, 185, 195, 205, 215
180x12, 190x5, 200x2, 210
180x8, 190x4, 200,
180x4, 190 x2
back extensions with holds at top.
OH MY GOD. No lifting yesterday since Labor Day hours at the body builder gym were not early enough to get in before work. The last two days of work have been stupidly busy. I triaged well over 54 ( I stopped counting) animals yesterday in 7 hours, sunday was around 36 in 7 or so hours. It takes a ton outta me!!!
Triaging is exhausting. With no rest between patients it’s even more draining. But I have a really great clinic to work at, my fellow techs, assistants, and doctors are badass and we all busted serious butt. We had a good team to do it all. Even with the maggot dogs.
I have melted into the floor after work both days after work anyways so its not like I’d get any good lifting down. Today I barely rolled out of bed but am happy with the lifts today.
T bar carries 325# x total of 540’
T bar carries 275# x total of not sure
Farmers handle carries 72#/ arm x not sure
Mossimo walks.
Zercher carries 112# x not sure
There was a creeper van parked were I usually set up for carries in the field I use at tge park, so I went to a differant spot. I am not sure the distances x some since I did the normal 540’ , then a diaganol stretch across the field. It was more then then the normal distance but no idea how much.
For a few weeks now I have been doimg home stuff , push ups and tiny db delt and shoulder, tricep moves. I refuse to list them because both are hard for me and so that’s that. My arms are tiny long noodles and my pecks are non existant.
I do have lil baby biceps that accidentely showed up from who knows where but they stand alone on my skinny arms… . Perhaps in a few years my peck might crate a thin layer over my boney chest. It doesn’t really bother me but its a for sure challenge to do fucking push ups.
Today’s pull ups
10,9, 8, 3 sets of 7 6, 5, then sets of 3-5 for a total of 76.
And I will log my best push up sets of the week- I can do 12 now in a set , and I fairly sure they are good form since they tear me to pieces. I’ve been going for a total of push us a week. This week’s total was - 110 so far. Over a week, had a couple days I did 5 sets of 10. I feel every one of them.
My goodness I am tired. This week was difficult . I took a day off the second job to make me less likely to crash my car driving home or snap at someone who doesn’t deserve it. It’ll slow down, I’ll get over this, but for now I have to do long term management of work stress, burnout etc. It grates my nerves that I need to have the second job for the money to live without being totally skint every month, it really does.
Ah well, I am far from alone in having money concerns but it is helpful to vent…and I have tons to be grateful for-- Mossimo and a new black licorice candle are helping to make my place more of a total cave to hide and revive in. I’ll get my second, third, or fifteenth wind…it’ll come.
I would bet that you can get some pretty good home workouts. Daily push-ups sounds like a solid challenge. The creeper van sounds sketchy, do you take Moss with you? Looks like he could scare the creepers away. It sounds like work is pretty rough right now. Why so much triage? Sick animals or are the getting hurt. I hope the revival cave helps.
Thanks HKD! Summer brings out the best in injuries and illness at least for pets I’ve learned, jeezaloo. Yesterday was a bit slower and that was wonderful! A break! The push ups are going well too–Now I can do a set of 15. :)!!!
I just didn’t feel like deadlifts today. It was one f those days where you feel like you forget how to do them as well. Everything was hard today too, a change in my diet made my muscles feel super puffy and bloated. But it’s better than nothin’.
fs 45x5, 135, 185, 200, 215
180x12, 190x5, 200x2, 210
180x6, 190x4, 200x2, 210,
180x4, 180x2
back extensions with holds at top
a set of 14 pushups.
yesterday’s total was (reps a set) :15 in the am, after work- 17, 10, 9
I tired a “chest dip” today. UH. Fucking hard. I did one-- well, no, I dipped a very small amount and came up for one.
Also an observation- my butt is getting bigger.
I am not so sure if it’s bigger good or bigger bad, but its going on. It feels bigger good but then again…we"ll see. I’ve just never had a big butt, I’ve always had a butt , but not a big one even at times when I’ve been pudgy the butt was not in and of itself larger but more of an all around layer of more fluff.
Thanks HKD! No real goal for the push ups, just to do them and to get some chest strength. There’s so many ways to to them and they really are a struggle for me, I imagine these will be a challenge for a long time.
tuesday push up totals- 17, 15, 10, 9
weds 10
today so far 10
t bar carries 325 x500 feet
t bar carries 275x 500 feet
A day for lighter loads, so I walked Moss.
Came back and did a t bar carry loop around the field with 175# , I’d guess it’s about a 1/4 mile total. Stops of course.
Push up total so far for today 2 set of 18. They feel easier! :D!!!
Alright update on the pushups---- I was doing them wrong!!!
Did them in a T shape insteadof an arrow shape! So I switched to the arrow, now I cam do a set of 9! Moving on…
Two early work days at 2am and 3am, so no lifts monday or tuesday. Started the lifting week today with front squats. I’ve learned I gotta do these often or I loose it.
Hey Snap!!! I do not, but things have changed on my body.
Maybe in a few years I’ll have a back and chest strong enough to have a bench worth talking about! I admit I am curious to see how my bench is now. No where to go but up.
[quote]brute_fury wrote:
Hey Snap!!! I do not, but things have changed on my body.
What does this mean? All the pull-ups and carries have changed your body comp?
Snap! YES! I think so! Actually, its the carries. They have changed me a way I at least notice. I have some lats now which were recent arrivals over the last year for sure!!! LOVE THE CARRIES!!!