So I started a log already over in the powerful women section, but realized that it’s pretty dead over there as far as training logs go. I’ve decided to move my log over here. Here’s the link to my other log:
I’m new to powerlifting and am trying to focus on the big lifts while also improving overall strength, flexibility, coordination and cardiovascular health. One of my powerlifting goals is to hold the state deadlift record which is currently 407 lbs in my weight class.
My stats:
Sex: Female
Height: 5’8"
Weight: 160-165
Age: 28
Bench Press (competition style w/ pause): 148 lbs
Back Squat: 250 lbs (beltless)
Deadlift: 353 lbs (conventional, beltless)
Military Press: 120 lbs
Chin-up: +60 lbs
Dip: +40 lbs
Today’s workout:
Back Squats 3 x 5 @ 95, 135, 135, 4 x 9 @ 185 lbs
Bench Press 4 x 6, 6, 5, 4 @ 135 lbs
Wide Grip Cable Rows 6 x 10 @ 90, 90, 100, 110, 100, 100 lbs
Decline Abs w/ weight overhead 5 x 5 @ BW, 30, 40, 40, 40 lbs
Bicep Curls 4 x 7 @ 30s
1 mile run @ 10:00
Good session today. My quads were definitely burning with those sets of 9. I really want to finish this up and get sets of 10 so I can move up in weight and down in reps. I think I used up all of my energy on squats and by the time I got to bench press, my focus wasn’t there. I’m going to restart this lifting cycle with sets of 3 on bench until it gets smoother. The eventual goal is to get sets of 12 at 135 before adding more weight to the bar. Slow and steady wins the race. I’m having to learn patience by sticking with the same weight until I’ve mastered it.
Also, I think my husband and I are going to start including jogging after our workouts for some extra conditioning. I could definitely use it. My cardiovascular health is not at all where it should be. My best mile time is 8:15, but I’d like to improve that.