Bodyweight Row Info

I was searching around the forums for how to do inverted rows, when I found this list by Nate Dogg. Now- I’m not just taking up space, I’ve got a question for the more experienced people.

I’ve been looking around for videos on bodyweight rows for proper technique and such, but it seems pretty straightforward. Is there anything I should know before attempting these?
Also, can I try these using my bench press bench if I don’t have access to a bar that is locked into place?

Upper Body Bodyweight Exercises:

  1. Pushups - Close-grip, wide-grip, regular grip, one-arm pushups, feet elevated (on bench, box or Swiss ball), hands elevated, medicine ball pushups, plyo pushups, using pushup bars, suspended chain pushups, reverse pushups, etc.
  2. Pullups/Chins - Pullups and Chins in narrow, medium and wide grips. Semi-pronated chins using medium or wide-grips. Towel pullups, rope pullups, mixed-grip chins, v-grip chins, etc.
    3. Rows - Using stationary bar or Blast Straps, do bodyweight rows pulling yourself to the bar.
  3. Handstand pushups - Using the wall to keep feet in place.
  4. Dips - Using parallel bars, dip bars, handrails, etc.

Lower Body Bodyweight Exercises

  1. One-legged Squats (aka Pistols) - With or without weight.
  2. Bulgarian Squats - With one foot supported on bench or box behind you.
  3. Lunges - Walking for time/distance or with weights in hands.
  4. Sissy squats - There is a piece of equipment to do these on, otherwise, just do bodyweight squats with hands in front of you. Or do variations of bodyweight squats such as Hindu squats or Swiss ball squats or skier squats against a wall
  5. Calf raises - Use bodyweight and do single leg calf raises off a board, step or other elevated box.
  6. Sprinting/Jumping/Hopping/Skipping - Sprint, jump or hop on and off boxes.
  7. Burpees - Using bodyweight, or doing them with a kbell for high pulls.

Full-Body Bodyweight Exercises

  1. Rolls, crawls and walks - Various tumbling (backward and foward, with and without jumps), various crawling and walks (bear crawl, crab walks, etc.).
  2. Burpees - These can definitely be full-body workouts especially if using additional weight. Or they can have more of a lower body emphasis.
  3. Jumping jacks, shuffles, etc. - Various types of bodyweight GPP exercises such as jumping jacks, mountain climbers, squat thrusts, shuffles, etc.
  4. Med ball wood choppers - Grab a light med ball and do wood choppers with jumps.

Abs - Various bodyweight exercises such as leg raises, situps, weighted situps, v situps, crunches, hanging leg/knee raises, dragonflys, etc.

You can perform them a number of ways. Here’s one example using a supinated (underhand) grip and using a step box for your feet.

You can perform them pronated, wide-grip, medium-grip with feet on floor, with feet on bench or box, with knees bent and feet on floor (to make them easier), with feet on a Swiss ball, etc.

You can use a Smith machine, a power rack, a stationary bar, etc.

[quote]Nate Dogg wrote:
You can perform them a number of ways. Here’s one example using a supinated (underhand) grip and using a step box for your feet.

You can perform them pronated, wide-grip, medium-grip with feet on floor, with feet on bench or box, with knees bent and feet on floor (to make them easier), with feet on a Swiss ball, etc.

You can use a Smith machine, a power rack, a stationary bar, etc.[/quote]

Thanks for the example, and also thanks again for the list in the first place.

Thanks for pulling it back up! I had forgotten that I posted all that.