Everyone agrees that 5/3/1 is is a very well thought-out system. Most would probably agree that with the right assistance work, it has the potential to work well for those of us with bodybuilding (powerbuilding) goals.
But quite a few have commented that the Wendler-recommended bodybuilding templates are less than optimal, and some of the smartest guys on the forum (e.g. C_C in particular) have set out (scattered in various threads) some better ways to set things up.
I’m starting this string in the hopes that it can be a kind of central collection point for sensible, effective ways to set up 5/3/1 for bodybuilders.
To kick things off, here is Wendler’s template as set out in his latest interview with T-Nation:
Day 1: Shoulders and Biceps
Standing Military Press â?? 5/3/1
DB Military Press â?? 4 x12
Side Laterals/Rear Laterals â?? 4 x12
Barbell Curls â?? 4 x12
Preacher Curls â?? 4 x10
Day 2: Back
Deadlift â?? 5/3/1
Bent Over Rows â?? 4 x12
Chin ups â?? 4 x10 (or do Lat Pulldowns)
Good Mornings â?? 4 x10
Hanging Leg Raises â?? 4 x12
Day 3: Chest and Triceps
Bench Press â?? 5/3/1
Weighted Dips â?? 4 x10
DB Flyes â?? 4 x12
Triceps Pushdowns â?? 5 x 20
Push ups â?? 4 sets to failure
Day 4: Legs and Abs
Squat â?? 5/3/1
Leg Press â?? 5 x 15
Leg Curls â?? 5 x 15
Leg Extensions â?? 4 x12
Ab Wheel â?? 4 x12