The Frequency Approach.
An approach I have been using has been exceptionally useful for size gains is what I will call the frequency approach. I am a frequency guy, so doing 4x a week was never going to cut it for me. Never the less - I followed 5/3/1 BBB as described in the book for 3months and made some good strength gains, I failed to gain much more ‘quality’ size.
Before 5/3/1 I was training twice a day, six times a week and this was brilliant for size gains. I did burn out though and started doing 5/3/1 for the Winter as I’ve described above.
The frequency approach is basically the same as 5/3/1 on the main lifts. No difference there.
Week 1: You will be training 4x a week but you will complete twice the amount of work.
Day One:
Bench: 5/3/1
Inc Bench: Boring But Big - 5 sets of 10 - straight sets across.
Military Press: 5/3/1
Military Press: Boring But Big - 5 sets of 10 - straight sets across.
Day Two:
Deadlift: 5/3/1
Straight Leg DL: Boring But Big - 5 sets of 10 - straight sets across.
Squat: 5/3/1
Squat: Boring But Big - 5 sets of 10 - straight sets across.
Day Three: Rest Day
Day Four:
Inc Bench: 5/3/1
Bench: Boring But Big - 5 sets of 10 - straight sets across.
Military Press: 5/3/1
Military Press: Boring But Big - 5 sets of 10 - straight sets across.
Day Five:
Deadlift: 5/3/1
Straight Leg DL: Boring But Big - 5 sets of 10 - straight sets across.
Squat: 5/3/1
Squat: Boring But Big - 5 sets of 10 - straight sets across.
Week 2 & 3: Week two is where it gets different in a more major way. You will be doing 5/3/1 for the main four exercises but picking your own accessory lifts. Keep each exercise on its own day for these weeks.
Example week.
Day One:
Bench: 5/3/1
Close Grip Bench: 5 sets of 10 ramping.
DB Inc Flyes: 4 sets of 6 ramping or straight sets.
Skullcrushers: 3 sets of 8.
Day Two:
Military Press: 5/3/1
Rear Delt Raises: 5 sets of 10
Upright Rows: 4 sets of 6.
Lat Raises: 3 sets of 8.
Day Three: Rest
Day Four:
Deadlift: 5/3/1
Bent Over BB Rows: 5 sets of 10
Shrugs: 4 sets of 6
DB Rows: 3 sets of 8
Chin Ups: One set to failure
Day Five:
Squats: 5/3/1
Lunges: 5 sets of 10
Goblet Squats: 4 sets of 6
Ham Curls: 3 sets of 8
– This will take you through 1 and 1/3 cycle of 5/3/1, in the same time the program would have you complete just one ‘mesocycle’ allowing you to hit your muscle more frequently, keep attacking your strength and hypertrophy goals at the same time.
You’ll have noticed I didn’t include the de-load week. Not really needed for bodybuilding in my opinion.
Adjust it to your own needs but keep it simple, work hard, eat right!