Whats up guys?? I am 23 and have been working out for about 5 years. I have been completely steroid free except for the one time about a year ago i experimented with winstrol. About 6 months after that, i took a 6 month break from the weights which has been my longest ever by far. Somewhere in that time off, I developed bitch tits. I cannot understand why when windstrol does not affect your testosterone levels. Right after the windstrol, I started taking the nandrosol spray followed by tribex 500. i experienced an awesome growth spurt that i did not expect in the least. However, I can only assume that maybe I abused this stuff and this is the reason for my problem. Is this at all possible or maybe my body is just prone?? Also, I need advice on how to let them down without surgery or any type of serious supplements. PLEASE help me out. I once took pride in my pecs and now find myself in a lot of pain with my new set of tits.
Let’s see, you took six months off and grew some tits. IT’S FAT, KID! Remember, real gyno comes with PAIN. You probably have what Bill Roberts calls “psychological gyno”.