I am a teenager having trouble with my pecs…i am not a steriod user and have never taken any kind of steriods but i am wondering what i could use to get rid of my breast…i am overweight, but i have seen people like chris farley that do not grow breast but are proportionaly fat all over, and im not as nearly as fat as chris farely…what would help me…i was reading that adolescents with high testosterone will convert their extra testosterone to estrogen…would anti-estrogen help me…im lifting weights and running but just cant get rid of them…
First off, your body will undoubtedly change. Especially at your age you have a good bit of masculinization that you rbody still has not gone through. Second off they are not “tits”. If they are though just consider yourself lucky and hope they grow to be as lovely as Pamela Anderson’s then you can just stay home…Ha! On a serious note may advice: Just keep lifting, be persistent about your wieght training, and you will have the chest you so desire befor you hit your twenties.
Hey Stug, I can TOTALLY sympathize. I was a ‘bit’ overweight as an early teenager, and had the same thing with an enlarged, puffy, chest, especially the nipple are. Of course, at the time, I had no idea what it was, or what caused it (gyno from naturally elevated estrogen levels). I got the same advice as above, “you’ll grow out of it”, but I was quite traumatized by it, to be honest. Luckily, I had a sympathetic mother, and eventually, at about 14, I did have surgery to correct the problem. I can’t say it ever completely went away, at 31 I still have a slightly puffy look to my nipples, even with my body fat at very low (7-8%) levels, but the surgery did help substantially. Hope this helps.
Get yo on hands on some Clomid bro. Never used it, but friends love it.
sounds to me like you are a bit of a fat apple. No offense, i have had this same problem till a few years ago. Your genetics have you storing fat here. As you said Farely had different fat storing- thats genetic too. The only real thing to do here is A)Make due for a while and keep lifting to pack on more muscle B) go on a moderate diet, where you may restrict carbs some, but not that much like 100g or 150g a day or something.
Strength Training, Bodybuilding & Online Supplement Store - T NATION - I have gyno and that’s likely what you have. It doesn’t go away and it’s expensive to get chopped off. I recommend tamoxifen, I’d get some tamoxifen, but I don’t really care about them, I wanna be a bad mofo, not look good naked.
Hey Mark, Mark here.
Seems we’re both using our first names… not a big issue, but obviously people will asume it’s the same person, and while it’s nothing at all personal I don’t think either of us want that. So let me suggest that we change our tags slightly. As I’m in Australia I’ll go to Mark-AUS (or something like that…). Have we got a deal?
Im having the same prob. Im 17 and Im retaining fat there despite being relativly lean. I can see my upper abs and yet have tits that I cant shake off. When you went for surgery Mark, just what were the costs and how long did it take? How the hell did you talk to your mom about that too? Im sick of this man, and I know Im not alone so I hope we can help each other out here.
im 17 also, i hate having this and being embarresed to take off my shirt and stuff like that…an operation sounds to damn expensive…if i get a drug like clomid, how long should i take it and in what kind of amounts?