Biceps Aren't Recovering

i’m at a loss,i work arms once a week,i do go heavy. last 2 weeks i go to do dumbell curls and the bicept muscle, is so sore i have to back off 10 pound or so,it’s not a bone or joint pain,we’re talking some serious pain. never hurts in daily living.any ideas? thanks

You may be going too heavy. Try backing down 10 more lbs for a week or two and see what happens.

If you aren’t recovering after a week then your diet needs to be looked at in a hurry. What does your training split look like?

What back exercises are you doing? Are you doing a lot of chins?

Most importantly are your biceps weaker?

What does your weekly plan look like? Are you eating enough?

We need to see what your workout is.

ay i flat bench 5x10,incline3x10,pec dec 3x10 day 2 leg day 4x10 hack squats,4x10 leg curls day 3 arms,4x8 preacher bench dumbells curls,3x10,3x10 incline curls,3x10 hammers day 4 shoulders 3x10 upright presses,3x10 shrugs,3x10 low pulley right now i do no back or deads,as i’m recovering from shoulder surgery, and therp. said not to.

oh left out tricepts out on arm day 3x? tri pushdowns, behind the head w/ dumbells 3x10,tricept kickbacks 3x10

what did you do to your shoulder, and is it the arm thats bothering you on the same arm or opposite?

tore rotator cuff and labrium, opposite arm

Ok. What kind of curls are you doing, and how strict are they?

i do preacher curls(dumbell),with slow neg.keep my ass firmly planted and no swinging body,incline dumbell curls,and hammers. i try to use strict form,and on hammers i use slight knee bend,so there’s no chance of driving w/ my legs.

LEt me just throw this out for ya… I tore something real bad in my bicep/forearm a year and a half ago. I tried training through it for a good while (stupidly), fearing I would lose all my muscle. EVentually, I couldn’t train biceps for an entire year. I managed to still do back work by eliminating the portion of the ROM where the bi’s help out.

After an entire year, although mentally I was totally freaked out, I lost about 1/2" on my non injured arm, and 3/4" on my injured arm. In my book, that’s not too horible considering I couldn’t do any real bicep stimulating movements. POint of this little story… Go SEE A DOCTOR! -lol
