Here’s a few more I found in the bodybuilding section, although I haven’t read them all completely. Basically spamming at this point but I have some time so why not.
I have lately read repeatedly about people trying to transition from strength-focused training. For some reason people cannot simply shake their attachment to strength-focused training (for whatever athletic or fitness endeavor, although one will gain strength on bodybuilding programs as well) and finally divorce their attachment to low reps (below 6), periodization schemes to function as an athlete or powerlifter, “the big three”, and the notion that bodybuilding training is simply pumping and …
What would it take to get a snapshot of a week-in-the-training-life of Professor X?
You mentioned in the Beginner’s forum that your workouts are very brief which enables you to go daily. I’d be interested in reading what you do. Weekly split, exercise, set, reps, and % would be great!
Oh, and have you ever done anything like DJ’s One-Lift-a-Day?
Thanks in advance, either way.
I wrote this bible about 4 times on this board over the course of a few years. I’ve copied and pasted it here because…
… I’m daring, maybe even double or triple or quadruple daring, and urging all on this board–newjacks, T-tards, begginers, veterans, armchair experts, editors, writers–to offer anything else useful for getting as big as possible!
We will now have a thread in which we can put an end to the utter ridiculousness that is running wild on this board - the utter insanity of thinking, …
Seems as its full up, heres the new one, will post my new blast for hopefully no critisism
so… i’ve decided to stop being such a fatass and lose some bodyfat. two weeks ago i was sitting at 285 at a height of 5’ 9". my goal is to get down to the 242 weight class. i’m also seriously thinking about breaking out the posing trunks again…at some point.
if there is any interest in seeing my progress, i’ll continue it in this thread. my plan is to have my main focus be on strength training but for accessory work, i’ll be doing a lot more hypertrophy style work. i’ve also cleaned up the …
Hey guys,
My name is Arash Rahbar, my good friends Bradley Grunner and Stu Yellin have mentioned T-Nation to me many times over and I have come on and read threads here and there so I thought I’d join and introduce myself!
I’ve been Bodybuilding for 22 years (since I was 13) and have a sickening Passion (lol) for the sport and everything that goes into it…
After many many years of wanting to compete but never being truly satisfied enough with my physique to step on stage, I competed in the NP…
Okay then,… I’ve certainly had enough questions over the last few months, and now it’s time to nut up or shut up. Today, 1/4/10 begins my official prep for a couple of BBing shows a few months from now. Actually, I will have 15 weeks leading up to the 1st one which I plan to compete in (April 17, in Atlantic City).
I like to think that I learned a hell of a lot from my experience last year, and have examined, and scrutinized every tine detail of what I did last year in hopes of bring…
I plan to do my first bodybuilding show in April 2012. It will be a small local show. The NANBF Natural Pittsburgh.
I plan on using this to post occasional updates and ask questions of more experienced bodybuilders.
If I want to do well, I have my work cut out for me based on previous winners. Previous winners of the show I plan to enter can be seen here:
I am currently eating 5559 calories, 219 fat, 573 carbs, 331 protein on my double s…
Here we go! Time to start the prep. I am currently 16weeks out from my next show
What I will try to do with this thread, instead of posting random pics and vids is really just go into prep details, and let you in on as much as what John Meadows and I are doing week to week
I will post the updates I send John’s, the pics, and any change to diet/training/cardio
Basically keep this as informative as possible thruout the whole prep without random stuff
If you do want random pics/vids j…
Ok, that’s enough for now. Posted a lot more than I thought. I didn’t realise how much good stuff was on this site.
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