so… i’ve decided to stop being such a fatass and lose some bodyfat. two weeks ago i was sitting at 285 at a height of 5’ 9". my goal is to get down to the 242 weight class. i’m also seriously thinking about breaking out the posing trunks again…at some point.
if there is any interest in seeing my progress, i’ll continue it in this thread. my plan is to have my main focus be on strength training but for accessory work, i’ll be doing a lot more hypertrophy style work. i’ve also cleaned up the diet. as i stand now, i’m down to 270.
anyway… here’s my training from tonight. i pulled a hip flexor squatting a week ago. i usually pull sumo but it really irritates the hip flexor. conventional felt good tonight. in the past, i couldn’t reach the bar because of how “thick” i was. i can already feel a diffence with the small weight loss.
i attempted to pull sumo this past weekend and it was a no go. tonight i pulled conventional with mild discomfort. it was actually a good time to do some experimenting. i have a bad habit of letting my mind wonder when i’m getting ready for a pull. tonight i set up and dive bombed the bar. it worked really good. there’s only two problems- when you dive bomb you take the chance of grabbing the bar off center and not setting your grip. i had both happen on different sets but i can tell with some practice, i’ll pull some decent numbers this way with a conventional setup.
also… i’ve decided to drop some bodyfat. i’ve been watching my diet as well as adding in more hypertrophy training for the past two weeks. it feels great!!! i may even do a bodybuilding show in the future… but don’t get me wrong. i’m a powerlifter FIRST. i just wanna be a healthier one that’s not afraid to take his shirt off.
anyway… this is what i did tonight.
conventional deadlift- divebomb style.
635x1- this felt very light but i didn’t get my left hand set and it slipped out of my hand at lockout. i’ll be practicing this style and will use it at the World’s.
seated cable rows
some x some
seated overhead press
315x8 + 2 rep PR
standing alternating dumbell curs- see i told you… i’m doing some bodybuilding training. haven’t done these in many moons. i was suprised at how light the 80’s felt. i guess this powerlifting stuff has made me stronger.
40’s x 6
60’s x 6
80’s x 6
superset cable wrist curls and standing calf raises
some x some x 5
bodyweight at 270…