I love your site, and supps. I’ve recently leaned down to 161, 10%BF. Im 39 years old. I’m 5’11. I’ve been lifting for only 2 years and most of my knowledge has come from this site after reading here for the last year. I’d like to put on about 20 lbs of lean mass and eventually getting down to 7-8%BF. My diet is pretty much on point but my question is about the best program to achieve my goal. I started Chad Waterbury’s “total body training” about a week ago. But that program was written in 2004 I believe. Would he (or any of you guys) advise a different approach today?
I’m not strong enough to meet Dr Staley’s 3-4-5 criteria so a whole body workout plan seems to line up with his advice.
Adding muscle is simply eating a slight surplus and fatiguing your muscles. It doesn’t matter how many reps you use to accomplish that. Here’s an article by CT that addresses that. If it helps, I’ve read the actual study he cites; it’s not bro science.
Now that we’ve cleared that up, pick something you enjoy and you’ll have better success than copying someone else.