Okay, I’m ready for some guidance so I can stick with routine. I have been weight lifting for 5 years now. The last few months I took some time off after finishing my college baseball career. I am looking to get back into a set routine again. For the last month I have been back to the gym I have been program ADD.
I want some guidance what type of program should I follow. My goal is obviously to get progressively stronger but my main gain is gaining size. Anyone have suggestions for a program. I don’t mind losing my abs even more I rather bulk and gain size and get stronger then go from there when I am comfortable with where I am at.
I have been looking at madcows as my program of choice but idk if I will get enough size from that. I just want some guidance it will help me feel comfortable and stick with a program.
Some stats:
Age: 21
Bf%- ? (You can see my top four abs but not my lower abs)
Bench- 235
Deadlift- 315
Squat- 245
^(1 rep max)
If you have program ADD, just pick something that appeals to you enough that you’ll actually stick with it. Your 1RMs would seem to indicate that you’re at a level that any form of intelligent, consistent training would be enough for you to see progress.
Why on earth is your squat and bench only 10lbs apart?
Do a 5 day BBing split that includes the SQ/BP/DL in some meaningful capacity.
The fastest way to gain the maximum amount of LBM is not necessarily the fastest way to achieve that bodybuilder look. It all depends on your structure, genetic strong points and weaknesses etc. People will toss out cookie cutter routines like candy, and it’s completely meaningless. A set of pictures, and some clearly defined goals, then MAYBE there could be some value to this.
You say you have been lifting for 5 years, those were your best lifts? I’d say more than anything you need to get in the gym with people who are actually training for something other than to make themselves tired. We could probably copy/paste that piece of advice to 90% of the thread starters here though, so you’re not alone.
[quote]gymrat1225 wrote:
My goal is obviously to get progressively stronger but my main gain is gaining size. Anyone have suggestions for a program.
Some stats:
Age: 21
Bench- 235
Deadlift- 315
Squat- 245
^(1 rep max)
2014 Goals
Bench- 275
Deadlift- 370
Squat- 370
O.H. Press- 185
Bench- 210
Deadlift- 275
Squat- 275
O.H. Press- 140
Just search for dorian yates blood and guts training. That’s pretty much all you or anyone needs just watch your form.