My current goals are to get bigger while maintaining a relatively lean physique (12-14% bodyfat) While also getting my front squat and bench press maxes over 100kg.
Currently my lifts are as follow:
Incline Bench 80kg Max
Deadlift 125kg Max
Front Squat 75kg (Yes I know this is pretty week)
OHP 50kg
Pullups 5 with 16.5kg’s added weight
I am currently sitting at a bodyweight of around 77-78kgs at 6’1
What program or type of training do you guys recommend will match my goals
And, eat. Seriously. Eat more. Eat better. Eat to grow. Eat a damn burger or a cow or something.
Right now you are just over 170lbs. That mean you have a LM of around 150lbs. But most people underestimate their BF and it is completely useless.
But eat.
You want to get stronger, bigger, faster, badasser, etc. EAT.
Who cares what program. Just pick one and eat. You are way to off base to specialize. Heck, right now, I feel inclined to tell you to get on a 5x5 program for at least 6 months… Or 5/3/1 or Greyskull.
Do it, as is for the full 10 weeks. Come back with your results.
Forgot to say: There is no best. Get that out of your head. Eat, train, live, love, breath, jump, shout, etc. There is no best program, just do a proven program and be consistent.
Thanks for the replies guys, I really like the idea of 5/3/1 however I’m not sure what assistance exercises I should go for to allow for maximum hypertrophy?
[quote]benno22 wrote:
Thanks for the replies guys, I really like the idea of 5/3/1 however I’m not sure what assistance exercises I should go for to allow for maximum hypertrophy?
Any thoughts?
How about you read every article by Jim Wendler on this site and his blog and buy the 5/3/1 books to figure this out?
ANY assistance exercise will give more mass gains if done for the proper sets and reps!
All the big, jacked guys, whether they are bodybuilders or powerlifters do the same damn exercises for getting big: chinups or pullups, lat pulldowns, GHR’s, stiff-legged deadlifts, dips, good mornings, and rows, overhead presses, and bench variations of all kinds, and that’s it! There are no special exercises. Add weight and reps for three or four sets of 6 to 10 reps exercises over time and you get bigger!
On any routine for size, use isolation for lagging muscle groups if you must.
[quote]BrickHead wrote:
ANY assistance exercise will give more mass gains if done for the proper sets and reps!
All the big, jacked guys, whether they are bodybuilders or powerlifters do the same damn exercises for getting big: chinups or pullups, lat pulldowns, GHR’s, stiff-legged deadlifts, dips, good mornings, and rows, overhead presses, and bench variations of all kinds, and that’s it! There are no special exercises. Add weight and reps for three or four sets of 6 to 10 reps exercises over time and you get bigger!
On any routine for size, use isolation for lagging muscle groups if you must. [/quote]
I’ve found for me personally which type of lifts you do should be based of what feels the best on your joints. If barbell rows give you elbow problems maybe use a machine, or a t-bar. That said I’m not a bodybuilder. If you aren’t a powerlifter, or weightlifter you are completely free in exercise choices.
With that in mind that means you need to experiment.
[quote]benno22 wrote:
If I was to do a 5/3/1 variation for 6-12 months what type of assistance programming would you guys recommend for maximum hypertrophy?
I know boring but big is very popular and also triumphant and a few others?