Choosing a Program for the Fall

Between work and School this fall i was hoping someone could recommend a solid program.
my current goals for this year are to a)improve body composition and b) to improve strength on all the major lifts (ohp,squat,deadlift)

My stats
conventional deadlift-355
atg front squat-185x2
ohp-110 no leg drive
trap bar deadlift-385
dead hang pullup max-15
dip+55 x 6
max pushups with good form 41
i’m not very strong at this point, but working to improve

i’m 6"0 160 soaking wet.
i was recommended Nate Greens “Built for show” and Jim wendlers 5/3/1
does anyone have any suggestions?

You are very light weight for your height. Just make sure you’re getting in enough calories to grow and see strength gains month by month. Your diet will get you 90% of the way to what you’re after here. Any decent program will do.

Which program gets you the most excited? Any in particular you read about and say “fuck yea! That sounds great!”? That’s the one you should do.

I’ll second everything Jake said above. “train for strength; eat for size” Either of those programs and many more could help. Focus on nutrition. That said, I frequently recommend Waterbury’s TBT.

Hey that’s 5lbs over where I started my gaining process. As others said eat food and as jak said do what you will enjoy most. Push your body as hard as you can eat time you are their. You set a pr every day but as long as you give it 100% you will progress.

[quote]jskrabac wrote:
You are very light weight for your height. Just make sure you’re getting in enough calories to grow and see strength gains month by month. Your diet will get you 90% of the way to what you’re after here. Any decent program will do.

Which program gets you the most excited? Any in particular you read about and say “fuck yea! That sounds great!”? That’s the one you should do. [/quote]

This sums it up.

Thanks for the great advice jake! i noticed this site has alot of great nutrition articles and after reading Berardi’s Massive Eating series i have a pretty good idea of what i need nutritionally.

-Gambit, i’ll check that out! thanks for the reply

-Ryan, thanks for the advice man!

Why not choose a program/goal for the next year instead of just fall?

I guees i should have worded the title better, i mean to start in fall being i have a tight schedule.
i completely agree though, i’ve set a goal of a 10-12 lb gain by Next July

[quote]PatJacob8 wrote:
I guees i should have worded the title better, i mean to start in fall being i have a tight schedule.
i completely agree though, i’ve set a goal of a 10-12 lb gain by Next July

That is a reasonable goal.

What is the time constraint? How many days a week can you train? What is your training experience like?

Hey Steel! thanks for posting, sorry i’ve been swamped with work so i havent checked here
i plan to train 4 days a week (monday,tuesday,thursday,friday)
i bought wendlers 5/3/1 and chose the BBB accessory template
i’m using myfitnesspal to track my calories

i ordered some Flameout and Metabolic Drive, as well as started preparing my meals and packing them when i go to work
i’ll start keeping a training log here starting monday!

Bench- My set up is a work in progress but getting there, my triceps aren’t up to par quite yet so i chose weighted dips and skull crushers for accessory, Upper Back work will be chest supported rows,bb rows and face pulls

Squat-my mobility has improved dramatically since i bought Eric Cressey’s “Magnificent Mobility”
I chose Good Mornings and GHR

OHP- i chose Football Bar Press and weighted Pullups

Deadlift- My Glutes and Hams need a shitload of work, so GHR’s,Reverse Hypers and more Good Mornings

Heres my Training outline so far

1.Mobility/lacrosse ball/PVC rolling
2.Dynamic warm up, Defrancos Agile 8 and Simple 6
3.Neural activation-plyo pushups,box jumps,med ball throws
5.5-10 mins of anabolic conditioning (bb complexes,sprint intervals,pushup/squat ladders)

[quote]PatJacob8 wrote:
Bench- My set up is a work in progress but getting there, my triceps aren’t up to par quite yet so i chose weighted dips and skull crushers for accessory, Upper Back work will be chest supported rows,bb rows and face pulls

Squat-my mobility has improved dramatically since i bought Eric Cressey’s “Magnificent Mobility”
I chose Good Mornings and GHR

OHP- i chose Football Bar Press and weighted Pullups

Deadlift- My Glutes and Hams need a shitload of work, so GHR’s,Reverse Hypers and more Good Mornings

Heres my Training outline so far

1.Mobility/lacrosse ball/PVC rolling
2.Dynamic warm up, Defrancos Agile 8 and Simple 6
3.Neural activation-plyo pushups,box jumps,med ball throws
5.5-10 mins of anabolic conditioning (bb complexes,sprint intervals,pushup/squat ladders)


For your assistance work, are you planning on doing all of those exercises? Or just picking from the group you listed for each day?

All the stuff you picked is good, it’s just going to be overkill if you were to do all that stuff. Deadlifts, GHR, reverse hypers, and good mornings is too damn much on the same day.

I would also suggest you include some ab work on your lower body days.

Also, for your warmup, you probably don’t need to do the entire agile 8 and simple 6 each time. I would just pick a few movements from each and mix it together