kbar0818 asks:
I’m looking to get some more advice on weight training program. I’m 150lbs advanced lifter (lifting for the past 6 years) who has had some progress. Just looking more into Clay Hyght’s diet plan (how a bodybuilder should eat) and was wondering what the best workout plan to go along with it.
My goals have always been to get to 160lbs my bfat is around 7-8% but I can’t seem to get past that. I’ve always strive for it passively but I am ready to make the sacrifice to get bigger. I understand the principles of macro cycling, quality foods, timing, and general nutrition. Maybe I haven’t fully committed to eating a shit load of carbs but I feel like I’m in a rut.
I’m a constant follower on t-nation and have read tons of solid articles. I seem to jump around with little direction. Any advice?
Asking very general questions isn’t a good way to get the specific answers you want.
You’ll have to give us some context. If you’re 5’4" with a 1200+ total in the Big 3 and actually have sub-10% BF at 150lbs BW, then getting to 160lbs BW at the same leanness may be a longer and possibly less realistic goal (assuming no AAS) then if you are 5’11" and less advanced than your initial post would suggest. If you program jump and have only seen “some progress” after 6 years, I’m leaning more in the direction of the latter.
So let’s get some specific numbers here: height? current PRs? current diet? current training program?
Those are the kinds of things we need to help us tailor advice to help you achieve your goals.
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Fair enough.
For starters, i would say im ‘advanced’ only in a sense that i understand the proper mechanics of lifting, including form, functionality, and exercise selection. However, for how i respond to different diets and exercise programs is where i am less experienced. I think my biggest problem has always been inconsistency with how long i commit to a program. Typically, ill give it about 4-6 weeks include a deload and move on to something. Which could be related or the cause of not seeing quite the results im looking for. I have however recently been more committed to the compound movements as opposed to the years spent spinning my wheels with isolation exercises. Which could also mean that im in a better position than ever to commit to truly advancing. My diet is very clean but i do tend to drink moderately on the weekends.
Im 5’7 150 with about 7-8% body fat as i mentioned above. My current meal plan can be found here How Bodybuilders Should Eat. Essentially, my daily input protein is roughly around 130-150 carbs similar to what the program shows. Pre and post workout is where i consume the majority of the starchy carbs along with my morning meals. So, part of the problem could be lack of protein.
Also, i dont use much for supplementation other than protein powder and BCAA’s during workouts. I have used creatine in the past which definitely helps but i get bad acne breakouts on it unfortunately even at age 25.
For the purposes of this post, from Jan to about Mar 1 i was doing reg parks 5x5 foundation workout and made some progress. For the past 2 weeks ive been doing a push pull work out here: The Push-Pull Workout.
Currently, my 1RP in the big 3 (i wouldnt call them PR) are as follows:
Squat: 225
Bench: 225
Deadlift: 290
So of course, one could scrutinize me for lack of strength in the big lifts. While strength is very important to me, so is physique and being athletically well rounded (which one could also argue is the primary functionality of these lifts). Nonetheless, i am open to any and all suggestions and any criticism. Put simply, if i get good advice with a solid takeaway plan of attack, i could crush it. 160lbs is arbitrary really but obviously a stronger, lean-er body with great mobility is ideally my goal.
I think my problem has always been lack of faith in committing to specific programs.
Much appreciated everyone,
The training ADD is an issue that will have to be addressed. Pick a program or template that appeals to you, one that you will stick with for months, not weeks. The only things you could consider changing at 4-6 weeks are assistance movements. At your level of strength, a program that focuses on building strength in compound lifts will certainly be helpful in building muscle. If you want recommendations, I can do that, but it’s only half of the picture.
Second, if you are trying to get bigger, why are you so lean? With single-digit BF% level leanness, you cannot gain both size/strength and lean out simultaneously. For the sake of your stated goals, I’ll assume you’re willing to gain a little bit of fat in the interim for the sake of long-term success. To those ends, I wouldn’t worry so much about the diet. That isn’t to say don’t eat clean, but eating “perfectly” is pretty pointless if it doesn’t help you get where you want to go. If eating like a BBer 80% of the time and stuffing your face 20% of the time makes you reach your goals, then it is a better suited diet for where you are at than eating like a BBer 100% of the time and spinning your wheels. That also doesn’t mean that eating clean 0% of the time is a great way to achieve your goals.
Balance and consistency are your friends.
Apoklyps is right.
You probably can’t keep that low of body fat while bulking, but if you are willing to take your bulk like your strength gains (slow but measurable and consistent), you can bulk up without turning into a mess or whatever else you might fear.
I get it. Bulking is tough, especially if you are naturally skinny. The best thing that has helped me over time was to make bulking shakes. It’s easier to get the calories down when you drink them. I have a sensitive stomach in the morning so I can only eat about 400 cals before it starts to bug me. But I can put down a 1000 cal shake. So if I otherwise make sure that I’m eating maintenance for the rest of the day, I end up with a 600 cal surplus. It’s not a big bulk, but its enough for “reverse dieting”. Something like that might help you.