Best Lift for Each Body Part

I am looking for the opinion of some experienced and knowledgeable lifters. If you could only do one excercise for the following muscle groups what would they be.

Lower back-
Upper Back-

[quote]gladiatorsteer wrote:
I am looking for the opinion of some experienced and knowledgeable lifters. If you could only do one excercise for the following muscle groups what would they be.

Lower back-
Upper Back-

Shoulders: Overhead press
L back: Deadlifts
Upperback: pullups/chinups
Chest: Bench/Dips
Triceps: Bench/Dips
LEGS! Squats

Dont forget your wheels man!

[quote]gladiatorsteer wrote:
I am looking for the opinion of some experienced and knowledgeable lifters. If you could only do one excercise for the following muscle groups what would they be.

Lower back-
Upper Back-

ummmmmm–where are the legs?

Shoulders – Jerks
Lowerback – Squats/Deadlifts
Upperback – Bentover rows/Chins
Chest – Bench Press
Tricepts – Bench Press/Dips
LEGS – Squats

I’ve never been able to figure out the difference between a pullup and a chinup. I’ve seen people do both, but I guess the difference is too subtle for me. I’m thick sometimes.

Chins are done palms up, Pull-ups are done palms down.

ummmmmm–where are the legs?

Shoulders – Jerks
Lowerback – Squats/Deadlifts
Upperback – Bentover rows/Chins
Chest – Bench Press
Tricepts – Bench Press/Dips
LEGS – Squats[/quote]

I didn’t include legs because i believe everyone agrees that squats are the best leg excercise.

[quote]alwyn96 wrote:
I’ve never been able to figure out the difference between a pullup and a chinup. I’ve seen people do both, but I guess the difference is too subtle for me. I’m thick sometimes.[/quote]

Not sure there is a difference unless it has to do with the grip–you can use a pronated (palm out) grip or supinated grip (palm in).

[quote]alwyn96 wrote:
I’ve never been able to figure out the difference between a pullup and a chinup. I’ve seen people do both, but I guess the difference is too subtle for me. I’m thick sometimes.[/quote]

Chins= palms facing you. (hard)
Pulls= palms not facing you. (harder)

[quote]gladiatorsteer wrote:
I am looking for the opinion of some experienced and knowledgeable lifters. If you could only do one excercise for the following muscle groups what would they be.

Lower back-
Upper Back-

Shoulders- DB raises
Lower Back- Don’t work this, it’s bad for you
Upper Back- pulldown
Chest- flyes
Triceps- kickbacks

Ok, ok. Just kidding.

Shoulders- Military press
Lower back- Deadlifts
Upper Back- pull-ups, power cleans and snatches
Chest- bench (should be a no-brainer)
Triceps- Dips
Legs- Squats

Shoulders-Military Press/Deadlifts/High Pulls-> (explosive, not upright rows)

Lower back-Good mornings/squats/deads

Upper Back-Standing BB rows/DB rows/T-bar rows/deads/pull ups/chins

Chest-Bench/DB bench/Decline bench/Dips

Triceps-Bench/Close grip bench/Skull crushers/Dips

Shoulders- db press
Lower back- deads
Upper Back- rack deads
Chest- db flat bench
Triceps- bb scull crusher
legs- squats (of course)

[quote]gladiatorsteer wrote:
ummmmmm–where are the legs?

Shoulders – Jerks
Lowerback – Squats/Deadlifts
Upperback – Bentover rows/Chins
Chest – Bench Press
Tricepts – Bench Press/Dips
LEGS – Squats

I didn’t include legs because i believe everyone agrees that squats are the best leg excercise.[/quote]

Squats AND deadlifts are the best leg exerciseS.