[quote]black_angus1 wrote:
[quote]gifted gonads wrote:
Can any one help me with the strength/weight ratios for bench press?? for example what would an avarage powerlifter at 80kg bench and what would a champion powerlifter at 80kg bench??
Im looking to use the bench test as a way of increasing power to weight ratio and are paying more attention to the strength in relation to the wt rather than just 1rm at any boduweight ie a cycle of oxymetholone dianabola nd 1000mg of tes enth a week and bech 600ibs! ha[/quote]
What the fuck did I just read?[/quote]
Angus, you’re clearly not familiar with the Gonads method of training. He’s a former pro athlete with super-duper impressive quads who’s kind enough to remind us all that the single-leg press is the number one most effective leg-building exercise ever.