OK, Im taking as little carbs as I can manage and a ton of protein (shakes and steak and eggs)
Im doing endurance training to a whole new level, im repping out on everything about 150 reps and doing circuit training with lots of body wieght, low weight and what not. More details later if needed.
Im taking Metabolic Drive as my number one protein source (Fuel), I love it!
Im taking Beta-7 for the endurance and extra push to really grind on these workouts.
and of course im taking my fish oils for anti inflammatory and my beat up joints.
The question is what would be the next most important aspect to compliment this kind of athletic sports specific training??
Please dont tell me to get on Creatine because im on an off cycle and I dont want the extra water weight durring my weigh ins!!
Please help me out fast cause Im thinking the next step is taking in BCAA’s Durring workout to premote feeding my muscles while I go and what not. Please help me understand bcaa’s a little better and which T-Nation Bcaa product is better BCAA or Leucine because they seem the same to me.
Also just to note that i work out 2 times per day for about 3 hours each, so im obviously having issues with fully getting my nutients.
Thanks and i look forward to some insight.