Athletic/MMA Nutrition

OK, Im taking as little carbs as I can manage and a ton of protein (shakes and steak and eggs)

Im doing endurance training to a whole new level, im repping out on everything about 150 reps and doing circuit training with lots of body wieght, low weight and what not. More details later if needed.

Im taking Metabolic Drive as my number one protein source (Fuel), I love it!
Im taking Beta-7 for the endurance and extra push to really grind on these workouts.
and of course im taking my fish oils for anti inflammatory and my beat up joints.

The question is what would be the next most important aspect to compliment this kind of athletic sports specific training??

Please dont tell me to get on Creatine because im on an off cycle and I dont want the extra water weight durring my weigh ins!!

Please help me out fast cause Im thinking the next step is taking in BCAA’s Durring workout to premote feeding my muscles while I go and what not. Please help me understand bcaa’s a little better and which T-Nation Bcaa product is better BCAA or Leucine because they seem the same to me.

Also just to note that i work out 2 times per day for about 3 hours each, so im obviously having issues with fully getting my nutients.

Thanks and i look forward to some insight.

Why are you taking in so little carbs? I would think that as an MMA guy, with such strenuous physical demands as your training entails that you would be able to handle a good amount of them.


[quote]okage wrote:
Im taking as little carbs as I can manage and a ton of protein (shakes and steak and eggs)[/quote]
Why are you eating low carb?

Generally speaking, like Stu was getting at, low carb diets and high-performance athletics do not go hand-in-hand. There’s a saying about “earning your daily carbs” through hard training. From what you’ve said so far, you’re definitely “earning” plenty on your training days.

What, exactly, did you eat yesterday?

Yes, details please.

What did your last workout look like - exercises, sets, and reps?

High rep, light weight circuit training is a terrible plan for a fighter.

Metabolic Drive is great stuff, but you might want to consider making whole foods your number one protein source.

[quote]Im taking Beta-7 for the endurance and extra push to really grind on these workouts.
and of course im taking my fish oils for anti inflammatory and my beat up joints.[/quote]
No problem with these.

That depends on your particular goals.

I’m presuming you’re a fighter, but what’s your fight schedule like? Do you have fights/competitions on a regular basis?

Leucine is actually one of the branched chain amino acids, so it can be important, but I have a feeling you’re getting muddled down with details before you have the broader strokes in place. You’re looking to use supplements to achieve what could be done with a better nutrition and training plan.

You’re training six hours a day, how many days per week?

I’m really interested to see what your weekly plan is. What days are the “weights” (more like cardio the way you’re doing it), what days are classes, sparring, etc.

Also, what’s your current height, weight, and general bodyfat level (not percentage, but are you already ripped, lean/average, kinda pudgy)?

First off I will note that I recently did weight gaining up to 200 lbs from 190 to gain some strength that I felt was lacking in my game.
Now; the thing is I have a Muy Thai tournament single elimination on February 25th. My goal is to get down to 185 by then. I also have my first armature Muy Thai March 19th I think, which I would like to hit my target fighting weight at 180. By the way im exactly 6’ Italian build, solid core with no V to it. Built and grew up like a Power lifter.
Ultimate goal is to win First fight and begin Amateur MMA fight by April and get 1 fight in every 6 weeks after that.
Im from Cali born n raised in Santa Cruz, just moved to boaring ass south florida where mountains dont exist.
6 years experiance wrestling
5 BJJ Both in california.
I am 22 and just started developing a stand up game. 7 sport athlete (football, lacrosse, hockey, wrestling, mma, power lifting, mountain biking, snowboarding, you name it)

In other words I am highly active, have a background in Power lifting and football at the college level and am ready, dedicated and going to win fights.

Obviously gonna need some great nutritional advice if im gonna take it to the next level. Im looking to take in all perspectives on the issue for TRAINING and NUTRITION tips or experiences that you believe in.

Most importantly I believe in functional lifting and training so thats kinda where I come from!!

Thanks to all! Now to the real shit, the stuff that counts…

(Non work days start at 8am tue,th,fri starts at 3am work till 8am, shake then lift from 9-11 then sleep) I Ride my bike 20 minutes each day to the gym for work and workout. super lame DUI’s ;(

Carbs n Food;
Normal day consists of early wake up. Metabolic Drive for breakfast blended with frozen strawberries and banana w/ milk. 30 minute bike ride to gym, lift to exhaustion one body part plus core. ride 30 minutes back home to take another shake (same way) then sleep about 2 hours. Wake up around 3PM usually eat a tuna fish salad about this time or left over meat. do chores n shit around the house, look up nutrition and read blogs till 630pm during which time I eat some fruit and a vegie and pick at some whole foods crap. At 730pm I do mma for an hour and a half, then go home and usually try to eat meat and veggie for diner. Then pass back out after watching anime or reading a badass book like gates of fire.

thats kinda my average day with food. since im trying to cut thats what I came up with.

Lifting n Training;
Im a little pudgy mid section, not gonna lie, more like a power lifter but this is a problem.

My lifting is 5 days a week and mma training 2 a week right now. next week i will probably do 3 and 3 the following 4 mma days and 2 lifting days.

I double day on mon and wed right now. Light day saterday and off on sunday. I dont like to take days off honestly.

Well my day in the gym is pretty much

Grab a weight I can hit 15 times and try to super set it with something until i cant rep it any longer. Basically I go for exaustion, muscle cramps, trembling and that sort of thing. grinding your teeth just to hit it one or two extra times. usually do it about 8-10 sets.

Mon; Power cleans - deadlifts - squats - extra legs. in that order. ‘Night MMA training’
tues; back and bis
wed; chest and tris - ‘Night MMA training’
thur; shoulders
fri; Pull downs and core
Sat; MMA - and cardio
Sun; off

I do static lifting and just finished a strength program. my goal is to build a 4 week program to prepare myself for beginning monthly fights for about 4 months. I will do whatever it takes to get there and will take any type of training and nutrition advise very seriously.

Thanks for the feed back. Hopefully I didnt rant too bad. haha. send links and what nots, training routines cause I love to read and learn, absorb everything.

this sounds like the guy who was obsessed with his vertical leap in the RMP forum, “adarqui” i believe.

Epic lol.


you do know fruits have carbs in them, right?
Are you a John Travolta in Saturday night fever or fatass mafioso build?

This thread is pure gold.


"I Ride my bike 20 minutes each day to the gym for work and workout. super lame DUI’s ;( "

"I am 22 and just started developing a stand up game. 7 sport athlete (football, lacrosse, hockey, wrestling, mma, power lifting, mountain biking, snowboarding, you name it) "

Also just to note that i work out 2 times per day for about 3 hours each, so im obviously having issues with fully getting my nutients. "


So, you have no job?

Work at the gym also. Auvs bud.

BCAA’s thats what imma do next.

Id say more of a John Travolta, From Paris With Love. lol!!