I always loved the sport but alas with over protective parents i didnt start in my youth.Im just turning 21 now and starting to take classes.I have to say it was worth the wait.I love everything about the sport.I have no aspirations that Im gonna be the next pacman but I love it just as a way to keep fit as im getting heavier with weight training,learning how to take a few knocks and I think it’s also teaching me a bit about self confidence.
So with that anyone here who loved the sport but got a late start in it for whatever reason?Share your story here.
And here I thought some 40 year old TMan is gonna rant - 21 is by no means late.
It’s also normal to continue expanding your arsenal every few years with some aspects of other disciplines.
So expect to learn new techniques or setups until you’re too old to breathe.
What country do you live in? I know that you can compete in the open division until age 35 then move to the Masters division in the Golden Gloves tournaments. You’ve a late start relative to when most professionals start boxing but it’s never too late to start boxing.
21? Im 27 started last year when I was 26 …and now Im fighting in the US Mens California State championship in a couple weeks. Anything is possible bruh!
Yeah man 21 is not really late. I started when I was about 24 but before that I trained in Kung-Fu, Karate and Taekwondo which kind of worked against me because I was punching differently (more square and my stance was wide-open) like Karate. Do not forget about shadowboxing because that’s one of the most important aspects of boxing in terms of developing your skills (hands and feet). Keep going at it, man!
21 no worries. I boxed from age 14 to 21, stopped due to an injury. Made a comeback at age 42 some unfinished business on my part. Glad I did it. find a good trainer to help you through it. Good luck.
30 here, didn’t box until I was 24 (other fight sports before that), didn’t box with a coach who kicked my ass until 26. I don’t compete in boxing, but I’ve got a couple of ammy MMA wins mostly with the hand technique I learned from my boxing coach.
I’m “retiring” next year (not going to compete, will still train), but it’s work related not because my body can’t handle it.
Thanks for the replies guys.There are some really positive statements here.I wouldn’t even have started if I listened to a few ex guys who started at 10-14 saying that I’m wasting my time with starting boxing at 20.
[quote]Schwarzfahrer wrote:
And here I thought some 40 year old TMan is gonna rant - 21 is by no means late.
It’s also normal to continue expanding your arsenal every few years with some aspects of other disciplines.
So expect to learn new techniques or setups until you’re too old to breathe.[/quote]
haha funny mental image with that.
regarding expanding my arsenal,I’m trying some muay thai aswell which I love but I figure I should concentrate on one thing at a time .Also I guess if I ever did find myself in a self defence situation a good pair of hands would see me right.
[quote]law8 wrote:
Thanks for the replies guys.There are some really positive statements here.I wouldn’t even have started if I listened to a few ex guys who started at 10-14 saying that I’m wasting my time with starting boxing at 20.[/quote]
Those same guys who have been training since they were 10-14 years old are the ones Im beating in the State Tournament. And Like I stated before I’ve only been boxing for a Year w/ 6 fights compared to guys who have 50+ fights under their belt.
[quote]law8 wrote:
Thanks for the replies guys.There are some really positive statements here.I wouldn’t even have started if I listened to a few ex guys who started at 10-14 saying that I’m wasting my time with starting boxing at 20.[/quote]
Unless they’re winning AIBA tournaments, qualifying for the Olympics in the future, or are on their way to being a successful professional I don’t think you’re wasting your time anymore than they’re.
A lot of people think that cause I know a lot about the sport I musta been watching it for years, but I didn’t even watch my first fight until 2005 when I was 21 (Poor Arturo getting slaughterd by Money) and I didn’t watch another one until 2007 (Floyd and DLH).
Although I do have to say I always enjoyed the Rocky movies and that’s what got me lifting in the first place and made me like boxing.
I’ve been training off and on for the past four years, but only in the last five months have I gotten truly serious about boxing and started training four days a week, running, etc.
It’s always worth it. Even if you never fight, you begin to learn a sport so intricate that everyone thinks they know- but they really don’t know shit about. And it will make you athletic as hell, at anything else.
Tony Thompson didn’t get into a boxing gym as I recall until he was 27, and he fought for the heavyweight title in the last HW fight I forced myself to watch.
Several others, like Sergio Martinez, didn’t start until later in life either- so if you want to be a pro, it’s plenty possible.
Sonny Liston and Bernard Hopkins learned how to box in prison while teenagers, Rocky Marciano got a late start but I can’t remember exactly at what age he started boxing.
We’re in the same boat, except im in Muay Thai. Loving everything about. Only wished I joined earlier, when I first knew got to know the gym 3-4 years back.
A lot of people think that cause I know a lot about the sport I musta been watching it for years, but I didn’t even watch my first fight until 2005 when I was 21 (Poor Arturo getting slaughterd by Money) and I didn’t watch another one until 2007 (Floyd and DLH).
Although I do have to say I always enjoyed the Rocky movies and that’s what got me lifting in the first place and made me like boxing.
I’ve been training off and on for the past four years, but only in the last five months have I gotten truly serious about boxing and started training four days a week, running, etc.
It’s always worth it. Even if you never fight, you begin to learn a sport so intricate that everyone thinks they know- but they really don’t know shit about. And it will make you athletic as hell, at anything else.
Tony Thompson didn’t get into a boxing gym as I recall until he was 27, and he fought for the heavyweight title in the last HW fight I forced myself to watch.
Several others, like Sergio Martinez, didn’t start until later in life either- so if you want to be a pro, it’s plenty possible.[/quote]
Thats suprising.I’ve seen a good few of your posts and you know a good deal about the sport alright,I always assumed you started as a nipper.
[quote]Mowgly wrote:
We’re in the same boat, except im in Muay Thai. Loving everything about. Only wished I joined earlier, when I first knew got to know the gym 3-4 years back.[/quote]
thats cool.I took a few muay thai classes and I really enjoyed it aswell.I wouldn’t mind pursuing that in a few years either.My leg flexibility is shockingly bad though ha.What ounce gloves do you use for muay thai?
thats cool.I took a few muay thai classes and I really enjoyed it aswell.I wouldn’t mind pursuing that in a few years either.My leg flexibility is shockingly bad though ha.What ounce gloves do you use for muay thai?[/quote]
I use everlast protex 2. 14oz.
Guys at the gym use twins, raja, and other thai brands though. Those specifically made for muay thai. Most of them weighing 10oz. I didnt like the support (lack of, rather) around the wrists and muay thai gloves feel very… plasticy. Hard and fake like. I dont know, that’s how I’d describe them though. haha. So i went for everlast instead.
Im a pretty small guy, weighing around 150 at 5’7’. I find my gloves to be kinda heavy for long period of time, especially an hour of constant training. Are these too heavy for me? the 12oz were too tight. But i dont see the problem with muay thai gloves though. 10oz but they’re huge and sorta spacious on the inside. Doesnt fit as snuggly.