Hello combat forum,
I’ve been taking a boxing class for about 3 months now. Its kind of a group fitness setup and fairly cookie cutter. I’ve relayed what we do back to a couple friends who use to box at an amateur level. And they said it pretty similar to how they trained as a boxing newb. I took Okinawan martial arts for a year or so in the past.
Boxing has really impressed me so far and I enjoy it. Its physically demanding especially when running a bodybuilding split. Watching boxing use to bore the shit out of me. Now its awesome especially older Tyson fights his movement is amazing. The sport’s history beyond colorful and quite interesting.
So that said here is the question.
The boxing instructor I’m training with has a learning style I like. He corrects you if you’re wrong and doesn’t say much other than instruction. So this new " fitness trainer" wants to learn about setting up a class I guess. For the past two weeks this guy has been in the class.
So last week while working 2 minute rounds on the heavy bag, this babbling motherfucker stood right behind me calling every punch and combos. Basically, the same shit over and over and over again while interjecting constant fitness trainer babble.(This wasn’t inline with what normal instructor said either, technique wise) I loathe this shit. I’m fairly sure this “trainer” has never boxed a day in his life. To add injury to insult after four rounds of heavy bag work he tells me “that took a lot of heart”. At this point, I’m ready to tell this dipshit if he thinks that took heart he has no concept of heart or mental fortitude.
I’m fairly respectful of other peoples space and sovereignty. However, I almost stopped and told this guy to shut the fuck up. Because he was truly pissing me off. How disrespectful to my normal instructor would this be?
Note that my normal instructor asked each of us in the class what we thought of the trainer guy and I told him that he talked to much. And his reply was you thought that too hunh?
Second question:
I’m probably going to make the transition to an actual boxing gym once this class ends. I have no interest in stepping in the ring other than sparring. With weight training 4-5x a week this leaves me two days a week for boxing. Will an actual boxing gym take you on with this level of commitment?