I recently started boxing at my local gym as part of my cardio and for fun. At the gym there is this guy he is about to turn 20 and he has only been training for a about 6 months, I got to talking to him and he started telling me how he is planning on making it a pro career is this possible at his age?
Granted he works twice as hard as any of the fighters there and uses training methods other guys don’t I stiil can’t help but think this guy missed the boat.
He may have missed on alot by starting as late as he has, but if he has the talent, drive, coaching and right handlers of course he can make it. He’s twenty, not thirty.
I did not intend for this to be a bashing thread. Simply a question, I was wondering if his goals were attainable, if boxing is not like other sports than I guess it is possible. I just never heard of someone trying to play pro football or basketball at the age of 20.
I did not bash. 19 years old is pretty good for martial arts, as long as he can put a lot of time, effort and spirit into his training.
There are a lot of champions who started that late.
I cannot recall them without some research, but at least Chuck Norris comes into my mind (as far as I know:18 years old, Tae Kwon Do)
Martial sports are not as unforgiving as other sports if you happen to have the right mindset. Keep in mind that most well known olympic sports like swimming, running or, are very dependant on endurance in which you peak extremely early as well as genetics.
Not so with martial arts.
Also, latecomers traditionally find it harder to make the jumo to pro because of financial risks etc all of which are unrelated to their potnetial. That, of course, goes for all sports.
[quote]Hodgie wrote:
Nate Campbell started boxing in his mid-to-late twenties, but he’s only the WBA, WBO, and IBF lightweight champion of the world.[/quote]
He didn’t take his training seriously and entertain the idea of going pro but, he new how to box at a younger age.
[quote]xXSeraphimXx wrote:
I recently started boxing at my local gym as part of my cardio and for fun. At the gym there is this guy he is about to turn 20 and he has only been training for a about 6 months, I got to talking to him and he started telling me how he is planning on making it a pro career is this possible at his age?
Granted he works twice as hard as any of the fighters there and uses training methods other guys don’t I stiil can’t help but think this guy missed the boat. [/quote]
Of course it is.
Tony Thompson didn’t start boxing until he was 27. He just fought Klitscho for the heavyweight title.
If a man wants something bad enough, don’t ever doubt what he can accomplish. At any age. And if he trains twice as hard as you, what the hell are you doing there?
I agree with CALaw. Mind your own business. I get the feeling he may go farther than you think.
[quote]CaliforniaLaw wrote:
xXSeraphimXx wrote: Granted he works twice as hard as any of the fighters there and uses training methods other guys don’t I stiil can’t help but think this guy missed the boat.
Why did you start this thread? Really, what was your motivation?
To hate?
What if we had all said, “He couldn’t make it.” Then what?
What if we had all said, “He could make it.” Then what?
Why are you so curious about another man’s goals. Did he ask you for advice? If not, why care?
Worry about your own life and your own goals.[/quote]
[quote]CaliforniaLaw wrote:
WolBarret wrote:
Midol…Take some and chill the hell out.
Why are you in this subforum? Do you even train?
If not, great, comment on the other threads talking about upcoming fights or fighters. But leave the training discussion to those who do train.[/quote]
Damn guys, I don’t think the OP was trying to be an asshole or belittle this guys efforts, I think he was legitimitely curious. OP, like we’ve all said if he’s that good, someone will notice.
[quote]SKman wrote:
I believe Michael Grant was well into his twenties when he took up boxing and he ended up fighting Lennox Lewis for the heavyweight title. [/quote]
Grant played college basketball, had no options after and took up boxing. Worked out pretty well for him.
[quote]CaliforniaLaw wrote:
xXSeraphimXx wrote: Granted he works twice as hard as any of the fighters there and uses training methods other guys don’t I stiil can’t help but think this guy missed the boat.
Why did you start this thread? Really, what was your motivation?
To hate?
What if we had all said, “He couldn’t make it.” Then what?
What if we had all said, “He could make it.” Then what?
Why are you so curious about another man’s goals. Did he ask you for advice? If not, why care?
Worry about your own life and your own goals.[/quote]
Do you feel better? He did not ask for boxing advice seeing how I just started but, he had seen me lifting weights and asked for some advice, we got to talking and he mentioned his goals. Money wise he said he was concerned but, he said that just motivates him. He asked what I thought of his goals but, like I said I am not knowledgeable in boxing. So curiosity was my motivation.