Overall I think you’re doing good. You stay relaxed and you’re not holding lots of tension in the back, shoulders, or arms, which is in my opinion one of the hardest parts of boxing. You have good combinations, it looks like you’ve been throwing them a lot, and you double up on the hook nicely, which is also good.
Couple things I don’t like, and one is how much you lean forward. That’s the style some guys have, but it’s not my favorite, mostly because it leaves you open to being cracked pretty easily - we call it “leading with your face” and it can be an unwise decision (ask my boy Ricky Hatton.)
Also, look at your feet during this video - they never turn, not once. That means you’re not turning your hips and weight into your punches, and you’re just swinging with your arms. I understand your bag looks light and you’re not going for power here, but you need to get in the habit of doing that, because not doing so robs you of a SHITLOAD of punching power.
It’s also going to fuck your range up, because you’re going to be able to put a couple inches on your reach, especially with the 2, when you’re turning into it.
Work on that stuff before ANYTHING else - I wouldn’t worry so much about angles and all that just yet.
I also strongly disagree with Sento that you should be working every aspect and changing your style constantly - boxing is hard enough to get good at when you’re using a style you’re comfortable with, it’s even more difficult if you’re trying to play Ali one round and Frazier the next.
Sento - that shit is for someone far, far more advanced than this guy - that’s for when you’re formulating a game plan to deal with specific fighters at the amateur or pro level. Asking a relative beginner to start using styles contrary to his nature is asking for a guy who doesn’t do anything particularly well.