I seriously think we need another good Poor Man’s thread. Ideas, substitutions, Programs, Equipment, etc,…
For people like me, threads like this very much come in handy.
Like, insted of getting Squat boxes I use Saw Horses of various heighths. I also use two slightly modified saw horses as a substitute for the long safety catches on the bottom of a power rack. Really helps with my ME days, considering I workout alone.
As a matter of fact, Saw Horses can be a solve all of sorts. I made a large step-up platform with two other saw horses, nails, a hammer, and some wood planks. I also used saw horses stacked on top of eachother for dip stands.
Man, I am just in love with the idea of using saw horses. They just give me a big ol’ woody.
And I don’t mean those pansy plastic sawhorses. I mean the mean looking, thick, wooden ones. Each one weighs a good 35 lbs. And the top isn’t narrow like most of the other ones, the top on mine is at least 10 inches to a foot wide, widening to a little over a foot to the for the last length of the end. I got then at Home Depot. Badass.
a poor man’s thread (or, poor adolescent out on his own for the first time thread;))…but…different food ideas, recipes and what not, would be a great addition as well
Im asumeing this “poor” person is a bad ass gangzta who lives in the ghetto Im guessing he also is the biggiest strongest kid in his school and the best fighter
I say he breaks into a gym and works out and if any one says not to he should round house kicks them, after all he was bred to fight
[quote]n3wb wrote:
Im asumeing this “poor” person is a bad ass gangzta who lives in the ghetto Im guessing he also is the biggiest strongest kid in his school and the best fighter
I say he breaks into a gym and works out and if any one says not to he should round house kicks them, after all he was bred to fight