Hey guys, recently posted about gaining midsection fat/ neck fat but my arms and legs have hardly any fat whatsoever. I think i COULD be over training. I know of you said i should relax your 18 lift hard and eat and ur set. well I know my body well and when its off its OFF. My muscles feel really soft even with high carbs (usually feel fullk and ferm) my neck and torso fat is climbing while the rest of the body is un affected.
I get the feeling im over training because my legs have shrunk (not even kidding) squat went down 40+ pounds almost like its a mssive cortisol problem. i feel tired all day long and my skins rashy and flaky. im drinking plenty of water so its not dehydration. I hate bitching about this but I KNOW something is off when my legs shrink and my squat goes down. my other lifts dropped a little, not as much as squat. I used to train 1 bodypart a week till i switched thinking i wasnt training enough to this:
day 1: legs
day 2: chest
day 3: back
day 4: off
day 5: legs
day 6: chest
day 7: back
day 8: off
alot of people say if u are over training, youll be sore longer but im hardly sore after my heavy lifting which is weird. yet my lifts are going down.
Please any suggestions/advice/guesses to what this may be is greatly appreciated.
I say that seriously. Your split looks fine, and is in fact, normal. Actually, if I had the time, I would do a split just like yours, but Im only relegated to 4x per week.
I forgot to add, but dont do too many exercises per muscle group (1-2 per session) and work your way up to a top set of your given rep range. Don’t do all your sets with the same weight (unless if it were submaximal, a la GVT).
I say that seriously. Your split looks fine, and is in fact, normal. Actually, if I had the time, I would do a split just like yours, but Im only relegated to 4x per week.[/quote]
then what could it be? i researched alot about cortisol and that seems to be what im experiencing but who knows.
what does your rep schemes look like on each of these days?
When hitting each muscle group twice a week, many people find it better to have a heavy day for a specific body part and the next time that body part is up they have a higher volume day.
for example:
day 1- squats up to your 5 rep max
day 5- squats up to your 10 rep max
or something along those lines. If you eat enough and sleep enough, i find it hard to overtrain. I am currently lifting 6 days a week, much like this schedule of yours, and i have been gaining steadily.
[quote]JaX Un wrote:
what does your rep schemes look like on each of these days?
When hitting each muscle group twice a week, many people find it better to have a heavy day for a specific body part and the next time that body part is up they have a higher volume day.
for example:
day 1- squats up to your 5 rep max
day 5- squats up to your 10 rep max
or something along those lines. If you eat enough and sleep enough, i find it hard to overtrain. I am currently lifting 6 days a week, much like this schedule of yours, and i have been gaining steadily.
i usually go heavy on both days (5 rep max) but ever since i stopped doing 20 rep squats it seems everything is outa wack for some reason. My thighs got HUGE with 20 reppers 2x a week now when switching back to heavy theyre shrinking. im havent been eating too much the last few days because of the un expected fat gains in my neck and stomach areas. very confusing
[quote]baseballstud2010 wrote:
I get the feeling im over training because my legs have shrunk (not even kidding) squat went down 40+ pounds[/quote]
fuck man take a week off right now. seriously, a week without touching the gym. i was in a similar situation and took a week off, came back and put on 10lbs in the next week while seemingly losing body fat(more vascular, deeper quad seperation, more striation all over). all lifts shot up aswell.
[quote]MEYMZ wrote:
Remember that sometimes you can be training the same way but other facets of your life are messed up.[/quote]
true my parents are going through a nasty divorce and my moms moving out…but my grades are amazing and better than last year maybe subconsciously its affecting me? idk. Should i just take a week off and come back?
You should be doing deloading weeks anyways. I’ve overtrained before and I definitely know the feeling. That sounds like what’s happening. Look at your overall volume. If you do the same workout more or less as you did one time a week and do that twice, your body’s gonna go into shock mode since you’d be doubling the volume. I knew I was overtraining for sure when I couldn’t sleep well even though I felt exhausted.
[quote]sethp572 wrote:
You should be doing deloading weeks anyways. I’ve overtrained before and I definitely know the feeling. That sounds like what’s happening. Look at your overall volume. If you do the same workout more or less as you did one time a week and do that twice, your body’s gonna go into shock mode since you’d be doubling the volume. I knew I was overtraining for sure when I couldn’t sleep well even though I felt exhausted. [/quote]
i know alot of people prefer deloaded over just taking time compeletly off but really i feel thats just those of us who are addicted to the gym. really i think time completely off cannot be beat in a case like this.
[quote]sethp572 wrote:
You should be doing deloading weeks anyways. I’ve overtrained before and I definitely know the feeling. That sounds like what’s happening. Look at your overall volume. If you do the same workout more or less as you did one time a week and do that twice, your body’s gonna go into shock mode since you’d be doubling the volume. I knew I was overtraining for sure when I couldn’t sleep well even though I felt exhausted. [/quote]
EXACTLY i feel so tired at night but im restless and i wake 2-3 times a night for NO reason. Yeah maybe the volume is too high. I do 5x5 for most lifts and twice a week could have made me over train.
Think im gunna give a week of rest no gym whatsoever then tweak my routine. cut out rows for back and stick wit deads and pullups. change 5x5 squats to 20 reppers. also gunna take alota vitamin c this week off to cut cortisol levels down…hopefully that will help. kinda pist i have to take a week off and my dad will probably think im just think im being lazy cuz he doesnt understand overtraining or anything bodybuilding wise but itll give my time to recoup and get some hw done and sleep alot. never know, could be growing again (vertically) very unlikely though
You’re probably just a bit worn out. Take it easy for a week and see if that helps. Be sure to eat well during your time off, eating well can be even more important than rest for recovery.
Edit: A note on increasing volume. Do it slowly, suddenly doubling your volume doesn’t strike me as the best idea. The body can handle a ridiculous ammount of training but you have to build up to it over time.
[quote]baseballstud2010 wrote:
MEYMZ wrote:
Remember that sometimes you can be training the same way but other facets of your life are messed up.
true my parents are going through a nasty divorce and my moms moving out…but my grades are amazing and better than last year maybe subconsciously its affecting me? idk. Should i just take a week off and come back? [/quote]
Well you know you can still feel tired when going through tremendous stress, no matter if you do everything right. Maybe a deaload or something.
[quote]Matsa wrote:
You’re probably just a bit worn out. Take it easy for a week and see if that helps. Be sure to eat well during your time off, eating well can be even more important than rest for recovery.[/quote]
Isn’t this the second or third thread you’ve started discussing something like this? Your over thinking this way to much, your not going to find the secret answer by posting tons of threads. Lift hard and eat healthy/smart, both on a consistent basis, and you will be good to go. Period.
If what you were doing before this was working, why did you change? I know you are young and you’d like to experiment but the sooner you figure out that the saying “if it aint broke…” is perfect for bodybuilding, the better off you’ll be.
I’ll second the question of when you train arms, delts, and traps.