[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
If what you were doing before this was working, why did you change? I know you are young and you’d like to experiment but the sooner you figure out that the saying “if it aint broke…” is perfect for bodybuilding, the better off you’ll be.
I’ll second the question of when you train arms, delts, and traps. [/quote]
it wasnt working that great…not the gains i was looking for…as soon as i switched my bench has gone up drastically but everything else has gone down. I dont do shoulder work since im a pitcher and like to keep stress off my shoulder since i messed it up as a child…i do tris on chest day and bis on back day. Im just gunna take this week off and recover then see if it persists and if it does ill go back to once a week each body part
it wasnt working that great…not the gains i was looking for…as soon as i switched my bench has gone up drastically but everything else has gone down. I dont do shoulder work since im a pitcher and like to keep stress off my shoulder since i messed it up as a child…i do tris on chest day and bis on back day. Im just gunna take this week off and recover then see if it persists and if it does ill go back to once a week each body part
[quote]rasturai wrote:
mr popular wrote:
HolyMacaroni wrote:
when do you work shoulders, biceps, triceps?
This was the first thing I noticed as well…
Prob on chest day.[/quote]
it wasnt working that great…not the gains i was looking for…as soon as i switched my bench has gone up drastically but everything else has gone down. I dont do shoulder work since im a pitcher and like to keep stress off my shoulder since i messed it up as a child…i do tris on chest day and bis on back day. Im just gunna take this week off and recover then see if it persists and if it does ill go back to once a week each body part
Not training all of your shoulder muscles is a bad idea. Especially if you are bench pressing. Your anterior delt will get stimulation but the lateral and posterior head will lag. Creating an imbalance is a recipe for injury.
Bench pressing and consequently building a bigger chest is worse for your future as a pitcher than properly training your shoulder IMO.
I play baseball btw. Never had arm trouble in my life, granted I don’t pitch.
I think you are okay even if you go crazy on those days…you have a 3 day rest period between each same workout so should be sufficient rest time. I have a similar workout as well but I add a day of shoulders/bis/tris as well.
1.) what lifts do you do on each of these days and what are your reps/sets like. there is no way to tell if you are overtraining by saying what bodyparts you do each day. and how long does each lift day last?
2.) not doing shoulders is a very bad idea. it can make you very imbalanced and lead to injuries and when you stop doing shoulders your lifts will probably begin to decrease.
bench will probably slow or stagnate or decline because you use your shoulders when you bench. you also use your triceps when you do shoulders so your not doing shoulders can affect triceps that affects your bench.
if you are a pitcher then i would think shoulder strength would be very important, as long as you actively keep your shoulders flexible, why would it be detrimental?