ABBH II Template - A Correction

First of all, many thanks to Tampa Terry for taking the time to create templates for both ABBH I and II. And thanks for the recent correction to the ABBH II template’s set/rep scheme. I have found something that I need clarification on. Day 25 starts the program over again with the set/rep scheme being switched around. My question: shouldn’t Day 25 have the same exercises as Day 1 (or Days 9 and 17 for that matter)? The template has Day 25 exercises the same as Day 21 (four days later).Please clarify.

Yes, the days and exercises should be the same. The only thing changing should be the parameters. All else remains the same.

I asked Chad about this, and I’ll quote what he wrote me in an email:

Here’s the simplest way to understand this: the only two categories that change are the movement planes, and exercises. Therefore, Day 3 is still 4 x 12 except it’s quad-dominant starting on Day 27. Each lower body method only uses one exercise so the flipping sequence is easier to understand (I hope).

Day 1 3 sets x 5 reps @ 7RM w/ 60-sec rest
Day 3 4 sets x 12 reps @ 15RM w/ 60-sec rest
Day 5 3 sets x 12 reps @ 15RM w/ 75-sec rest
Day 7 3 sets x 5 reps @ 7RM w/ 60-sec rest

Day 25 3 sets x 5 reps @ 7RM w/60s rest
Day 27 4 sets x 12 reps @ 15RM w/60s rest
Day 29 3 sets x 12 reps @15RM w/75s rest
Day 31 3 sets x 5 reps @7RM w/60s rest

Then what you are saying is that it is ok to repeat the same exercises only four days later? ABBH I is not like this. I know you change the set/rep schemes but you are only going on four days rest when you repeat the same exercises for Day 25 that you used for Day 21.